IV. | Surprise

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Angelica was sleeping in her bed. The sun began to shine through the curtains, hitting her face. She squinted her eyes shut as she tried to go back to sleep. She snuggled into the sheets feeling the warmth on her back until something.. rather hard hit her ass. Arms were wrapped around her. The feeling of someone breathing against her neck

"Mal.. don't tell me you're in my bed" Angelica said

"I'm definitely not in your bed" Kai replied. Angelica kept her eyes closed as she turned her entire body

"Oh my God, are we about to- oh fuck!" Kai groaned out as he got a knee to the crotch. Kai rolled himself off the bed

"Okay, I deserved that. I didn't do anything indecent though. The only reason I got a boner was because you were moving against me. So, in fact I'm the victim" Kai replied. Angelica was unamused

"Why were you even in my bed?" Angelica asked as she reached out for her blindfold. Kai tossed her the blindfold, it hitting her in the back of the head. She grabbed it and put it on

"I had a nightmare.." Kai replied as he stuck his bottom lip out, of course Angelica couldn't see that

"And I care why?" Angelica asked

"Well, I have nightmares of my dad.. beating me.. and well some of those beatings were caused because I was beating up those kids who would bully you. So in a way, it's technically your fault" Kai said. Angelica's jaw dropped

"The manipulation is wild" Angelica said

"Is it working though?" Kai asked

"Hell no" Angelica said. Kai nodded

"Note to self, don't sleep in Angel's bed if you ever want the opportunity to procreate.. however I don't really want to procreate. I hate children, so I guess being unable to reproduce is a win.. so I guess note to self, sleep in Angel's bed so I lose the ability to have kids" Kai mumbled to himself

"How about, note to self. Don't sleep in people's bed without them knowing" Angelica replied. Kai laughed

"You make it sound like I'm some creep" Kai replied. Suddenly the bedroom door was slammed open

"What did I tell you?!" Damon yelled at Kai

"Sorry mom" Kai replied as he was dragged out

"I told you to leave her alone" Damon scolded the siphoner

"I couldn't help it Devin-" Kai was cut off

"It's Damon for fucks sake!" Damon yelled

"How can I stay away from her? She's the only person who loves me.. well I guess loved since she doesn't remember.. oh wow, no one loves me.. ouch.. I think I'm gonna do that alien oozing thing with the water.." Kai said dramatically

"Do you mean.. crying?" Damon asked

"Exactly!" Kai said


Damon was whistling as he held Angelica's hand. The compulsion still affecting her which meant she could not look at Kai

"You're in a good mood for the first time this decade. Stop that" Bonnie said referring to Damon's whistling

"I have a hot date with my girl tonight" Damon said

"Yeah, assuming Mal's telling the truth" Bonnie replied

"Why would he lie, though?" Angelica asked

"Angie gets it. I'm thinking dinner and a movie. You know what? Fuck dinner and the movie, skip straight to the good part" Damon said

𝘍𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘩|| Kai ParkerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ