II. | Photograph

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"I mean there's dozens of photos" Bonnie said going through the box

"How the hell did this even get here?" Damon asked

"I've been telling you someone else was here" Bonnie proclaimed

"And why would they leave this on the doorstep?" Damon asked

"I don't know!" Bonnie yelled. They were snapped out of the argument as the screaming suddenly stopped. Damon walked into the living room to see Angelica just staring blankly at the wall, blood dripping down her nose

"That's never happened before" Bonnie said staring at the vampire. Damon walked back into the dining room and picked up the box. "What are you doing?"

"Gonna see if she remembers these photos" Damon said. There was dozens of photos of Angelica with some guy. The man has blue eyes and black hair. It was obvious the photos were from the 90s as well. Damon grabbed a photo and held it up

"Who is that?!" Damon yelled. Angelica had grown numb to the pain in her head. She had seen a face for just a second and suddenly the pain got so bad she couldn't even register it even more. She was just there, on autopilot. Angelica's eyes looked at the photo before it landed on a face she didn't know, but she felt like she did. Something was on the tip of her tongue

"K.." She muttered before closing her eyes and passing out. Damon inhaled angrily before he grabbed a nearby vase and threw it across the room. The vase smashed into pieces as it made contact with the wall

"Damn it!" He yelled

"Damon! Did you not hear her?! She said something!" Bonnie yelled

"Yeah we got a k. The fuck do we do with a k?!" Damon yelled

"It's progress! That has to be progress!" Bonnie said hopefully

"Yeah, right.. how do you know she wasn't gonna say 'kill me'?!" Damon yelled

"I can just feel it" Bonnie replied

"That makes me feel so reassured" Damon said sarcastically. Bonnie groaned in annoyance

"I'm going to store" Bonnie stated as she began to walk out

"I'll come with" Damon groaned

"You're not gonna babysit?" Bonnie asked referring to the unconscious Angelica

"No, we won't be gone that long" Damon said. The duo left the house leaving the vampire all by herself, which was a win for the other person stuck in this little world. A window was opened before a man came into the house

"God, I thought they'd never leave. They watch you like a hawk. Kind of annoying" A voice spoke of course Angelica had no idea. The man approached the unconscious vampire. He used his hand to lift up her face. He frowned as he wiped away the blood dripping down her nose

"You know, I was shocked when I saw you. I mean, you look like just as I remembered you. I was actually gonna come up to you just like that, so we could be reunited, but then I heard about this pesky little thing that's apparently messed up your mind. Compulsion? I think that's what Devin called it. Apparently you don't remember me. That makes me sad, or well not really, but you knew that. I hate to hear about your affections for another man. It makes me want to kill you to be honest, but I know it's not your fault" The man continued as he took a seat besides Angelica

"I mean when you start yapping about this Kurt dude.. oh my God.. it's like my hands start shaking, just aching to be wrapped around your throat.. but then Devin comes along and he reminds me that you're not really in love with this guy. I mean, you can't be, because you're mine and you love me. You've been tricked and you don't know it. But it's okay, I forgive you. I still need you, you know. I don't care about you any less because you're a vampire now, by the way" The man continued before putting both of his hands on Angelica's face. Her eyes still shut. He smiled at her as his hands cupped her face

𝘍𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘩|| Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now