XIV. | Here With Me

185 11 27

Angelica was woken up to the sounds of glass being shattered. She opened her eyes and noticed that Kai's side of the bed was empty. The smell of blood hit her

"Kai?" She asked but got no response. She got out bed and walked outside of them room, feeling the cool air hit against her skin. She rubbed her arms together and kept walking. The sound of more glass breaking could be heard. Then, the sound of water running could be heard. It was coming from the kitchen. She slowly made her way to the kitchen. When she entered, she immediately felt something cut her feet. She looked down to see shards of glass everywhere. Broken glasses, and plates. She walked across the broken glass despite the pain she felt. She looked over to the sink to see a figure hurled over it. It was Kai. He has his face underneath the water

"Kai, baby?" Angelica asked but he didn't move. Angelica could tell something was off. She rushed over, her blood covering the floor due to the cuts she was getting on her feet. She grabbed Kai and forced him to lift his head up. He immediately gasped before he turned to look at Angelica with bloodshot eyes

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Angelica yelled at him. Kai could only stare at her as his lower lip trembled. She could see the hopelessness in his eyes. The guilt and sadness were present

"I'm sorry.." He muttered with a broken voice. His hands were shaking as he just stared at her. Angelica felt her heart shatter seeing him in such a state. She looked down at his hands to notice blood was dripping down them and onto the ground. A small pool of blood, forming. That's when she noticed that his socks were soaked in blood. There was bloody glass everywhere. She grabbed his hand to look at the wound

"I didn't.. mean to.. I'm sorry.." He said softly as he began to cry. Angelica bit her wrist and held it up to his lips. He sucked on the red liquid and his wounds began to heal, including the ones on his feet from the broken glass. Angelica wrapped her arms around his neck as she held him close to her. He broke down into her arms, his knees giving in underneath him. Angelica held him up as he gripped onto the back of her shirt. She moved one of her hands to the back of his head and pushed his face into her shoulder. His entire body trembled in her hold

She felt her own tears, fall down her face as she held him, listening to his broken and heart wrenching cries. She slowly slid to the ground as her back was against the counter. She could feel the glass beneath her, cutting into her skin but she didn't care. She just kept Kai close as she held him. She could feel his tears and snot, soaking her shirt. She wished she could make him feel better, but there truly wasn't anything she could do, except for being there with him


"Me and Stefan.. I think we're dating now.. I'm not really sure.. but I slept with him" Caroline explained as she and Angelica walked down the side walk

"What?!" Angelica asked shocked

"Yeah and girl.. look, he knows how to use his hands.. that's all I can say" Caroline teased with a smile. Angelica playfully shoved her

"No, because like Kai.. his hands are like.. I'm literally getting horny thinking about it.. the other day when Kai was licking the frosting off of his fingers.. I could've cum right there. I can't lie" Angelica said. Caroline laughed

"Oh my God! You're so dirty! Speaking of Kai, you said we were gonna get him something..?" Caroline asked. Angelica nodded as she smiled

"He hasn't been doing too well since the merge.. emotionally.. it's been hard for him. I wanted to get him a cat!" Angelica explained. Caroline gasped as she covered her mouth with her hands

"That is so cute! OMG! That's like so sweet! The image of Kai holding a cat is so cute! Ah! I'm gonna take so many photos! Let's go!" Caroline cheered as she grabbed Angelica's hand and led her into the pet shop. Angelica's eyes immediately landed on this ginger cat

𝘍𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘩|| Kai ParkerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ