18.) Identity No More

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??? POV:

He observed them kissing.

"Don't you think he's playing with his food too much?"

"He's due in time for a wife. But this is so scandalous, his majesty falling in love with a pawn?"

"She's clearly fallen for him too." The figure nudged his partner.

"I think it time, we ruin this relationship."

"Let's start with his father."


Third Person POV:

For the next few days after the kiss, Minjae had visited Hanni everyday. Bringing her snacks, gifts and trinkets, but each time he would come, he would wear his disguise. At first she would brush it off as Minjae being busy and taking precautions but it was starting to bother her. Why would he keep his face hidden away?

Sometimes Hanni would purposely get close to study his face. But Minjae would back away or leave in a flustered mess.

I have to think of a plan. What can I do to unmask this mystery man?


Some scheme plotting later, Hanni was finally able to make a plan with the help of a little alcohol.

"Min!" Hanni drunkenly slurred out. "Where have you been my prince charming?"

"I've been around?" Minjae replied with a slight stammer in his voice. "How many drinks have you had?"

"Doesn't matterrr, I haven't seen you all week!"

She swayed her way over to Minjae. Nearly falling if Minjae hadn't caught her in time. He flung her arm around his shoulder. She started to pucker up her lips making kissy noises at him.

"Kith, gimme,"

Minjae had to restrain her from kissing him. He can't let her kiss him in a place like this, there were eyes everywhere. A scandal would spawn for sure.

"Let's get you to your room, then bed." Minjae firmly said.

"B-but my kiss." Hanni pouted as Minjae dragged her out of the garden party.

"Not here, not now." He said in a hushed voice.

Hanni furiously turned around to look at Minjae with glossed-over eyes. Her breathing was heavy and uneven, her heartbeat was pounding in her ears as she tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over.

"Why?" Hanni hissed at Minjae, "Why won't you just kiss me already?"

Minjae ignored her even more which made a drunk Hanni more rowdy. Hanni made more obnoxious comments as Minjae dragged her back to her quarters. With both of them being together the patrons who were drunk out of their minds, hooted and hollered.

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