14.) Truce

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Minjae's POV:

All is going according to plan Minjae thought.

Today was the fifth day on the full moon and just as planned, flames were rising out of the settlement and chaos ensued. From what Minjae could see Viet soldiers were running around trying to put out the fires but it seemed as if they were unable to control it.

A chilling grin spread across Minjae's face. You could tell he was liking this destruction.

"Are you ready men?" Minjae yelled.

"Yes, your Majesty!" They responded in unison.

"For the Empire!" Minjae shouted.

"For the Empire!" They echoed.

The men ran forward and their weapons raised high in the air. They had a look of determination on their faces as they charged at the walls of the settlement.

The battle was intense but Minjae's men were clearly winning due to the fact that the Vietnamese were unprepared for the sneak attack and their people were trying to control the fire that had engulfed the settlement.

Minjae leapt over the wall and took on several Vietnamese soldiers at once. He swung his sword with precision, slicing through them like butter.

The battle raged on until finally, Minjae was face to face with General Pham himself.

"We meet again," Minjae said, a sly grin plastered across his face.

"You fucking filthy Koreans never fucking learn. Do you?"

"On the contrary, we have learned but the question is... have you?"

Minjae took the lead and equipped his secondary Jikdo sword. He was double-wielding and that meant he had left no room for error. This was do or die. A dance to death. General Pham wielded a Guan Gong spear sword. Two deadly blades in a flurry of attacks that didn't come easy, Minjae's swords clashed with General Pham's blades in a spectacular display of skill and prowess. The sparks flew and the battlefield seemed eerily quiet, no one dared interrupt the epic showdown between these two powerful men. They had fought their way to the roof of a temple and were now battling it out at the top of a large stone staircase that overlooked the entire settlement.


Minjae parried a blow and delivered one of his own that made General Pham stumble back. He lunged forward and tried to impale him but General Pham rolled out of the way and countered with a slash of his own that managed to cut through Minjae's clothing and leave a thin red line on his cheek. With another blow from General Pham, Minjae was knocked down onto his back but managed to roll out of the way of an incoming strike that would've decapitated him.

He was on his feet in an instant and the two men continued to trade blows for what seemed like hours. Both were starting to tire out, but neither one was willing to give up just yet.

In a flash, Minjae sprinted forward with his blades poised for attack. But then he feinted at the last minute and instead kicked out with his foot, catching General Pham in the chest and sending him flying backward and on his back. In an advantageous moment, Minjae pinned down General Pham with his foot, General Pham's head dangling off the edge of the roof. With his other foot, he kicked away the weapons and watched them roll and crash the floor with a metallic bang.

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