15.) Eat, eaaaaaatttttt

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Minaje's POV

Disguised with my modified gat to cover my face, I made my way down to the cellar.

Hanni was crouching in a corner with her head buried in her knees. Her food untouched. She seemed like she hadn't moved an inch since her arrival at my palace. She looked up at me with a cold expression on her face.

"What do you want?" Her tone was sharp and laced with venom.

"Nothing," I replied nonchalantly, "Just checking in on you."

"I don't need your pity." She snapped, turning away from me.

"If you really didn't need it, then I suppose it was my mistake coming here." I shot back.

She was silent and refused to look at me. She seemed to be sulking but I knew she wouldn't show it. She had too much pride for that.

"Then if you don't need anything, then I guess I'll be leaving."

With those words, I turned on my heel and left her there. But I really wasn't.

If she isn't charmed by words then food it is.


I returned with rice and meat and some sweet bread. Keeping my tough guy persona, I entered the cellar with confidence and placed the food tray next to her on the ground.


She didn't say anything or move, just continued to stare at the wall.

"I said eat," I repeated a little bit louder this time.

But she still didn't budge. She just ignored me and kept staring at the wall as if she was in a trance. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Why are you being so difficult?!" I snapped, "Why won't you just listen?!"

"Because why should I?!" Hanni yelled back, "I was kidnapped! Do you think I have the means to be happy?!"

"I did no such thing! You were handed over to my emperor!"

"Like a pet?! Like a pawn!?"

We glared at each other in silence for a moment. I couldn't believe she had the audacity to compare herself to a pawn. She was no pawn and she knew it. But despite our little spat, she still hadn't touched her food. She wasn't eating and I couldn't let that fly.

"If you won't eat then I will."

"Be my guest," Hanni replied smugly.

I picked up the bowl in haste and didn't hesitate to devour the food. Practically force-feeding myself the food, I made it a show to show how good the food I brought her was.


Hanni's POV:

A Korean gentleman had placed the food tray next to me.

"Eat." The man sternly commanded.

I could hear the desperation in his voice but I wasn't going to give in.

"I said eat." He repeated with a little more force.

But still, I didn't move, didn't speak, just sat there looking at the wall.

"Why are you being so difficult?!" he huffed, "Why won't you just listen?!"

"Because why should I?!" I yelled back, "I was kidnapped! Do you think I have the means to be happy?!"

"I did no such thing! You were handed over to my emperor!"

"Like a pet?! Like a pawn?!"

"If you won't eat then I will." He threatened.

"Be my guest." I nonchalantly replied.

He angrily grabbed the bowl and began eating it like he was on the brink of starvation. He ate like a rabid animal, but it was kind of cute in a way. Wait what?

Dumbfounded, I watched in amazement as he finished the entire bowl in only a few minutes. It was like watching an animal feast on its prey. When he was done, he licked his fingers and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.


The only sounds were the faint chatter of the guards and servants outside. I hated how uncomfortable it felt in the room but it was too awkward for me to say anything at all.

"Thank you..." Hanni murmured softly.

My head whipped up at the sound of her voice. "W-What?" I stuttered in surprise.

"I said thank you." Hanni repeated louder this time, "For the food."

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and I was glad that she couldn't see it because it would've been very embarrassing for me if she did.

"It was no problem," I replied quietly.

The cellar fell into silence once more but this time it wasn't as uncomfortable as before. The awkward tension was gone and the room felt warmer and less suffocating. She scooted a little closer to me and wrapped her arms around her knees, rocking back and forth as if she was deep in thought. I couldn't help but steal glances at her every now and then and every time she would look back at me with a curious expression on her face. After what seemed like an eternity she finally broke the silence.

"I'm hungry," She slightly pouted.

I rolled my eyes, "Now you're hungry?"


"Well -I pulled the sweet bread from my robe- I still have this."

Without a second thought, Hanni reached over and snatched the bread from out of my hands and began gobbling down the bread. It was like she hadn't eaten in days but honestly, it was the way she at that was making me feel like I too hadn't for days.

"Mind if I had a piece?" I started to reach over to break a piece of the bread and to my surprise she offered me some.

"You can have some." She shyly smiled at me.

I took a bite and it was heavenly. It was like clouds formed in my mouth. So soft and fluffy that I wanted to devour the whole thing but I wouldn't. I wouldn't want her to feel uneasy again.

"The bread is good." She murmured softly as she chewed slowly on her own piece.

"Mhm." I nodded in agreement.

We sat there together silently enjoying each other's company until I had to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow, same time."

"I'll be waiting." She waved goodbye at me, a small smile tugged on her lips as I left.

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