10.) Dead!?!

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Third Person POV:

As months drained by, the soldiers improved dramatically to Minjae's delight. Minjae's confidence grew, by the time he would lead his troops onto the battlefield he was certain that they would win.

Minjae was standing in front of his soldiers in his armor. He had told them that they were going to win this war no matter what. He knew that he was putting a lot of pressure on his soldiers, but he also knew that it was necessary. They needed to be prepared for anything that might come their way.

"I want you all to remember that I am proud of you," Minjae said. "You have worked hard and you deserve to win this war. Now, let's go out there and show them what we are made of!"

Leading the long march to the far outskirts of Korea to meet with head-on with the Vietnamese army. The anxiety was real and it was infectious, it had started to gnaw on Minjae as well but Minjae was determined to lead his men to victory.

Once on near the front lines, Minjae strategically took the opportunity to attack first. Kicking off this war with a bang, Minjae ordered a barrage of incendiary weapons to be fired. This attack was meant to trap the Vietnamese and to lure them out of their forest hiding spots. Minjae wanted to scope out the enemy and to see what he was up against before commanding another attack.

From what Minjae could see through the seeing glass, was that the Vietnamese were falling out of their trees like flies. But that small victory did not prepare for what the Vietnamese did next.

The Vietnamese retaliated by hurling stones, spears, and arrows at Minjae's men. Some of the projectiles struck their targets, causing injury and death. Minjae was stunned and infuriated by this sudden attack.

"Press forward!" He commanded. "Do not let them have the upper hand!"

Minjae's men obeyed, rushing towards the enemy with their swords and shields raised high. The clashing of metal on metal filled the air as the two armies engaged in brutal combat.

General Pham seemed to not let up. He was insistent on pressing on, causing great casualties for both sides. With a deep breath, Minjae now charged straight into battle, sword raised high

Minjae's sword sliced through the air with deadly precision. He parried blow after blow, his movements swift and agile. Minjae was like a force of nature, unstoppable and relentless. He cut down enemy after enemy, his eyes blazing with fury.

General Pham was impressed with the emperor's skills but he was not one to be underestimated. He too rushed into battle. He matched Minjae blow for blow, their swords clashing in a deadly dance of steel.

"You are a worthy opponent," General Pham said, his voice gruff.

"As are you," Minjae replied, his gaze never wavering.

General Pham charged at Minjae with a renewed ferocity. Their blades met again and again in a flurry of motion. The air was filled with the sound of metal on metal as they fought for supremacy.

The two battled ferociously, matching in skill, it was a close battle. But their strength was wearing thin. Minjae tapped into his inner thoughts, screaming at him to prevail and to return victorious.

Minjae did not believe in conceding defeat, especially not in this battle. All he could think about was winning and returning home victorious. His mind was filled with images of his people and his father smiling down upon him from above.

"I will not fail them," he thought, "I must win."

With one last surge of strength, Minjae pushed General Pham back, his blade slashing through the air and finding its mark. General Pham stumbled back, his hand clutching his side as blood seeped through his fingers. But it was unforeseen that General Pham would land a fatal blow that would result in Minjae getting bucked off and knocked out.


Blood was streaming from the wound on Minjae's arm and the world around him was spinning. He could hear the faint sounds of battle all around him as he lay on the ground, his sword still clutched tightly in his hand. The smell of smoke and blood filled his nostrils as he struggled to stay conscious.

He could see his soldiers fighting valiantly, their voices ringing out as they cut down their enemies. He could also see the bodies of his fallen comrades, their blood staining the ground beneath them. But his vision was slipping, dark spots clouded his vision. The world was fading in and out as he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness.

"Stay with me," Minjae could hear someone shouting as he felt hands grabbing at him, trying to pull him to safety. But he was too weak to move, his body unable to respond.

As he lay on the ground, listening to the sounds of battle raging on around him, Minjae could feel his life slowly ebbing away. His last thoughts were of his father, the empire, and his people.

"I have failed you," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

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