47 || War Hammer Titan

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"What is she doing there, Pa?"

Your doe eyes blinked repeatedly when you saw your aunt row a small boat. Going far towards the deepest end. The sight worried you, but the warm pat on your back calmed you down a bit.

Just this morning, your father suddenly asked you to follow him somewhere. He didn't say anything, taking you inside the carriage and asking you about what you knew about a titan. As a five-year-old girl, you already consumed dozens of historical books. All because you considered them as your friends, since you didn't really have one.

You were too excited talking about the wonder of this world, not realising that the two of you already arrived at the destination. The chauffeur opened the door for you, letting the yellow lights from the sun illuminate the dark carriage. Your father helped you to get down by carrying you, only letting you walk on your own once you thrashed around in his arms.

A lush green field was laid out in front of your eyes. There were trees surrounding a wide lake. The air was still fresh, not even a hint of pollution could be smelled. You ran around on your tiny feet, feeling so content even though you were still clueless about why you were there.

You stopped when a familiar figure stood near the lake. Her dark hair was kept behind her head in a bun, so neat without one strand could be seen sticking out. You immediately jumped towards her arms as she hugged you close. Aunt Lara wasn't chatty, but she always gave you the warmest hug. You could say it was tight too.

And now, you saw her rowing the boat to the middle of the lake. She looked so tiny from the ground where you stood. Your eyes still blinked with wonder, not sure what she was going to do there. "S-She wouldn't do anything harmful, right?"

"Of course not."

An assurance from your Pa was enough to calm you down. "Just watch. You will see something out of this world."

The words sounded like magic, especially for a little girl. You nodded excitedly, waiting for your aunt to do something. Was she secretly a mermaid? Maybe she was since Aunt Lara always looked so proper and elegant. Or perhaps she could control water? That was the reason she paddled towards the midstream. Whatever it was, you were ecstatic.

In the middle of your wild thoughts, a yellow light flashed in front of you, trailed by a thunderous boom as your tiny body almost fell backwards if it wasn't thanks to your father who held you tight.

You covered your face with your arms, subconsciously so since the force was just too great. Your heart was beating so fast, worried for your aunt since it seemed like the crackle came from where she was. But the moment you lowered your arms, a gasp left you instead.

There stood with all of its might, a creature higher than the buildings in the capital. Its skin was light, similar to the colour of the clouds, but from how it didn't even flex like any human skin, it was as steely as armour. You gaped at the sight, pupils dilated since you never believed that something as it existed.

"Who is that?"

You muttered, which earned a small chuckle from your father. "Pa, but— Where is Aunt Lara?!"

"It is your Aunt Lara." Oh, surely you didn't expect that answer. "She could turn into that creature." Your eyes never once left it, seeing how it could produce a shield, sword, or anything from its hand. "A titan, my little star."

"A titan." Your small lips repeated the word.

Even with your parents forbid you to play outside, they taught you a lot of things about this world, and one of them was about the Eldia. The blood that was streaming in your veins, the legacy and history, everything you needed to know as a Tybur. "She is one of the Titans."

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