20 || Stranded Ship

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Your mind was so much like the incoming ship at the harbour in Marley. They were calm on the surface with so many deep undercurrents, each of them had their own purpose as they docked. Like now, maybe the other soldiers saw you as a calm recruit, not saying anything as you waited for the scouting party to come back, but they didn't know what could be nested in your mind.

You had been set in place for hours and you swore your neck was fit to spasm already. Waiting. You never liked the idea of idling around in one place. Previously, you asked Captain Levi if maybe there was something you could do, and you were so ecstatic when he ordered you something.

He told you to sit down beside him on the wagon.

Now you were cursing at yourself for trying to approach this man. If you just stayed with Jean before, you were going to wait with at least a roof on top of you. But now you had to hold on as the scorching sun slowly burned your skin. You sat there with only him and Pastor Nick, with none of them striking a conversation.

"How many titans have you killed?" Oh, that was surprising. "Both from the Battle of Trost and the last expedition." It seemed like the deity had answered your prayer by making the captain talk, and you just couldn't help but smile at that.

"Oh, um, five titans, sir, in the Battle of Trost, with three assists." You tried to recount, and you gave him a nod once you were sure at the number. "And just one at the last expedition. Armin, Jean, Reiner and I engaged with the female titan but we failed to take her down, captain."

The humanity's strongest soldier just let out a hum at that, but you acknowledge it as approval. You knew you weren't supposed to feel giddy and excited to talk with him. As far as you knew, he could be one person who the warriors should eradicate with how strong he was in titan killing.

"That's a good number for a newbie." But hearing those words, for him to praise your ability, surely boosts your gloomy mood from before. "Keep that up, Tybur." You let out a sheepish smile by now, fingers fiddling with the shark tooth pendant that currently dangled on your chest to calm yourself down.

"I will, captain."

"The scouting party is back!" A shout came from your back, and you immediately whipped your head towards the source of the voice as the smile on your face wiped off within an instant. "Inform Commander Pixis!"

"Captain, we—"

"Yes, let's hear what they are going to say."

Giving him a salute, you immediately hopped down from the wagon, wondering what the report would be. If there was really a hole in the wall, then there would be two causes of it. The first one was that both Bertolt and Reiner moved on their own and left you behind, and the second was for Marley to send another titan shifter to do the work.

Then again, it wasn't possible. Either Pieck or Zeke couldn't destroy the wall since they were a medium size of titan with no ability to harden themselves. Their ability was leaning towards ranged offensive and support. But Zeke was a wonder boy and he could turn any human to be his slave in a form of titans.

"Sasha!" But your thoughts interrupted when you saw your friend, still intact and no injury could be seen. "You are alive, goodness here, have my drink!" She looked so tired, and you frowned at the way she gulped down all the water as if she drank nothing for the whole day. "Slow down, let's gather there with the others."

The Squad Leader, who was in charge of the scouting party, explained everything that he saw. Both Commander Pixis and Commander Erwin circled closer, noting the information that was given. Your eyebrows furrowed at this, now feeling certain that it must be the work of Zeke, maybe turning some people from within the walls to be a titan.

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