12 || Empty Barrack

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Two days and the nightmare still ensued. All the cadets and the Garrison soldier had been deployed to collect the dead bodies of their fallen comrades. If you were not injured, you would have been out there, scouring the street and building for what was left from Trost.

Sasha was too much of a big mouth since the second you were back to the Southern Division, Instructor Shadis practically put you on the medical bay for further treatment. She told him that you were eaten by a titan, and it was purely out of a miracle that you were still alive and survived such terror.

Hence the reason why the Instructor forbids you to go anywhere. Before, you really thought that he was a cold person and only tried to shape the cadets so they could be good soldiers by the end of the training. But after years took note of his action, you knew that deep down, he cared so much for them all.

You didn't know what was better actually, to be there in Trost and watch the horror once again with a chance to see Marco's body, or laying here inside a sterile room that had a sharp odour of antiseptic. Either way, you were grateful that you had a chance to collect yourself in peace.

"Are you feeling better now, my dear?"

A gentle, motherly voice slipped through your ears, and you couldn't help but smile as you turned around to face your mother figure in Paradis, Mrs. Keller.

Since yesterday, she had been here to accompany you as Sasha and the others were out to continue their duty. All the way from Stohess, she went back and forth to spend her time with you during the visiting hours.

"I do feel better now, mom." You were quite clingy to anyone that you were comfortable being around with, so the second she sat at the edge of your bed, you immediately wrapped your arms around her waist. "Especially now since you are here."

"Oh, please..." She let out a small chuckle, and despite her lace dress practically feeling so harsh against your skin, you still nuzzled your cheek closer to her. "Always know how to charm others, aren't you, darling?"

Her hand started to thread your hair, and you let out a soft purr at the way her fingertips gently massaged your scalp. Back then when you were just a spoiled lady from the Tybur's house, you would spend your time in your mother's painting room, not minding the strong odour that usually penetrated your nostrils since your mother's touch was enough of a comfort.

Just like this, your head would lay on her thigh, her left hand caressing your face and threading the strands of your hair as you relished her presence. Maybe this was one of the reasons why you loved Mrs. Keller so much. Because even though you were now living on this devilish island, her existence was like an angel in this hell that reminded you of home.

"Have you decided what branch you are going to choose?" You blinked at her sudden questions. "You are going to the Garrison unit, aren't you, my dear?" One that reminded you when someone asked you the same thing before.

You didn't have enough courage to answer her, and when you heard a faint sight slipping from her lips, you knew that she knew. "I think there's no way for me to change your mind, yes?" Her voice lingered with so much pain and you wondered why. "They said that The Survey Corps would be the hardest branch, but if they come back after a mission, then they would have a lot of time to rest."

She patted your arm, a sign that she wanted you to sit up since she must have something to tell you. You leaned away slightly but did not let go of your grip on her dress. Her slightly wrinkled fingers tipped your chin up, somehow pushing you to look at her in the eyes. "No matter what happens next, you are going to have a home with me in Stohess, understand?"

"But, Mrs. Keller—"

"Mom." Her voice was firm as she said it. "You always called me mom, never change. Because when I took you under my wing five years ago, I already saw you as my daughter." With a smile on her face, she patted your cheek before pinching it lightly, a habit that she loved to do ever since you worked for her.

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