28 || Blind Side

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Never once crossed your mind about the possibilities of fighting the warriors. Zeke Yeager was here too on this island, and you just remembered how calculated the man could be. For the whole two months, you were resting with your friends without thinking about what would happen in Shiganshina. What you knew was the fact that there was no titan left, all thanks to Hange's weapon.

Around a hundred soldiers would be deployed to reclaim Wall Maria from the titan's grasp. After five years, the Survey Corps would finally learn about the truth that Eren's father tried to tell. Everything they needed to know was hidden inside the basement of his house, including why Grisha wanted his son to inherit both the founding titan and the attack titan, letting himself be eaten by his own blood.

It would be easy to get there, especially when the titans were wiped off after two months using Executioner from Hell. But you forgot that humanity outside the wall existed. For the past weeks, you forgot ‌your nation existed and they could have waited for the right time to ambush the founding titan. And when would be the best time to capture Eren if it wasn't tomorrow?

"You looked like you wanted to throw up." Maybe you were. The thought of the other warriors being there was surely depressing and made you sick to your stomach. "Oi, Tybur." If it was just Reiner and Bertolt, maybe the forces from Paradis could handle it. But if Zeke got involved along with Pieck? Then they were all done for. You were all done for. "(Y/n)!"

You finally lifted your face, eyes went blank as your gaze fell towards your agitated friend. Jean's eyebrows creased when he saw your expression, raising one of his eyebrows when you didn't give him any response. "That's it. Let's get out of here." You didn't understand his words, not knowing what he wanted from you before he stood up and walked to where you sat. "Let's go grab some fresh air."

"I am fine, Kirstein." The others were having fun now. At least they all looked calm and collected, as Marlowe would ask about tips and things that he needed to prepare for tomorrow.

You didn't want to ruin the atmosphere, and you already felt bad for making your friends worried about you. "Really, really, just continue the conversation! I am fine!" Letting out a soft chuckle, you just gave them your usual smile, hoping that Jean would drop it.

"You are not, don't lie to me now, Tybur." Seemed he wasn't.

"Oh, shut it, Jean. You don't know how to back down, huh?" Eren cut in, and your smile turned into a sheepish one since you could predict what would happen in the next few seconds. "If a woman says no to you, then you should take the signal. That meant, she didn't want you to push her around. Right, (Y/n)?"

"You shut up, suicidal blockhead! Just because you are always charging first doesn't mean you suddenly become a genius!"

"Huh? Who do you call suicidal blockhead? I am very much an average person, remember?" The brunette chuckled, gulping down his drink before slamming it down on the table, using the words that he heard from Instructor Shadis. "So if that's how you think of me, I think it means you are just a coward, Jean."

Uh, oh. You closed your eyes, praying to whatever deity out there for not letting them make any ruckus.

"You got some nerve saying that, you dung heap!" And once again, your prayers were left unanswered.

"How about you tell us why you're growing a mane to match your horse-face?!"

Now, that was a good comeback. You couldn't help but cackle at that, and it looked like Jean had heard it. He glared at you for a second there before focusing back on his arch-nemesis. Knowing they would end up fighting each other anyway, there was no use in trying to stop them, especially when they looked like they were having fun.

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