vi. carmen is scared of grown up talk

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vi. carmen is scared
of grown up talk

the lighting thief

Before Percy came to camp, Carmen had actually given thought to what it would be like to have siblings

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Before Percy came to camp, Carmen had actually given thought to what it would be like to have siblings. It happened a lot more when she was younger because little Carmen hated being alone in her cabin at night. Unfortunately, Carmen was not able to be happy when Percy was claimed because she passed out from the bloodloss.

When she woke up, she was in the infirmary and it was not night anymore. In fact, she had no idea what day it was. There was no one else in there with her so for a second she believed she was dead.

"Hello?" She tried to say, but her throat was too dry. She neded up coughing, which caught the attention of Michael Yew. He had been in the next room and came as soon as he heard Carmen cough.

"Carmen, I am so glad you are okay." He said. It was an ongoing joke between the Apollo cabin had whenever Carmen ended up in the infirmary – they would joke about how glad they were she had not died under their care otherwise her father would slaughter them.

Carmen squirmed around in the cot she was laying on, and groaned when her side began aching. "Am I alive? Totally. Am I okay? I'll get back to you on that." Michael helped her sit up and handed her a glass of nectar, which she gladly drank.

"Besides the nasty cut, courtesy of the hellhound, you also had a couple of broken ribs and a concussion," Michael told her as she drank the nectar.

"Why didn't you just dunk me in the lake?" Before Michael could respond Carmen continued, "That was hypothetical. I know that Chiron forbid that." Despite knowing that water healed Carmen, Chiron insisted that she goes to the infirmary anytime she gets hurt. Now that she thought about it, Chiron had implemented a more rules since Carmen's arrival: no walking alone when injured, no dunking people in lakes, no record player privileges – that last one was a new one. It became a rule months ago, during Winter Break, after Silena and Katie used Chiron's record player to introduce Carmen to the song 'My Humps' by the Black Eyed Peas.

"You've been out for two days, by the way," Carmen's eyes widened at Michael's words. "I'll go let know Chiron you're awake,"

Carmen laid back on the pillows, thinking about what could have happened in the last two days. Her whole focus was on her brother. He had been claimed as a child of the Big Three in front of the entire camp. Surely campers, satyrs, and nymphs would be talking about him – his existence.

Carmen vaguely remembered the weeks following her own claiming. Everyone had been weary of her due to her parentage, which had made seven year old Carmen cry herself to sleep multiple times. Once they got over their shock and suspicions, the campers went back to being nice to her. Carmen figured Percy would get the same treatment, which she hated. But at least he would have someone there for him, Carmen  had been alone in that experience.

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