Chapter Two

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A/N: New chapter! Enjoy :D

“All done,” Anthony said with a satisfied sigh. They’d finally finished unpacking which had taken longer than it should have considering they were only staying for a few nights.

“I told you it would be faster if you helped,” Kalel replied.

“Actually you never said that,” he pointed out. Kalel just shot him a look which meant that he should shut up.

“Everyone else is meeting up just outside the hotel,” she said to Anthony. “Then we can all walk to the theme park together.”

“Do you know if Ian is going?” Anthony asked with a faint trace of hope in his voice. Kalel just gave him a questioning look.

“How should I know? He’s your friend not mine,” she reminded him.

“Melanie might have said something,” he mumbled weakly.

“If you wanted to know so badly, you could have just asked him yourself,” she said with slight confusion on her face. “Anyway let’s just go. We don’t want to keep them waiting for too long.”

“Okay,” Anthony said quietly. He couldn’t figure out why he was in this mood, it just sort of crept up on him. Nothing bad had happened recently that he could think of. Things were going reasonably well with him and Kalel, except for a few occasional arguments and he hadn’t argued with Ian over anything at all which was strange. Usually they had to schedule time apart just so that they wouldn’t get sick of each other and fight all the time. It felt as if something had changed over the past few weeks but he couldn’t put a finger on it.

“You zoned out again,” Kalel said, but this time she said it with a smile on her face. “If you’re trying to impress me with the whole ‘brooding’ thing then it’s not working.”

“Yeah, of course,” Anthony let out a convincing fake laugh. He seriously didn’t know what was wrong with him but he didn’t want Kalel to be suspicious of anything being wrong.

They went downstairs to meet up with the other youtubers who were waiting just outside the hotel.

“Hey guys! I’m glad you can make it,” Luke Conard greeted them.

“So are we. Jurassic Park looks awesome,” Anthony said, trying his best to appear enthusiastic.

Even though he wasn’t feeling too great at the start, Anthony did end up having a good time. You can’t go wrong with rollercoasters after all. He even did a little bit of vlogging because he did promise the fans that he would upload things to his channel more often.

“So hey guys I’m here! Going into Jurassic Park. Let’s go!” Anthony yelled into the camera. He posed next to a dinosaur statue and screamed which was so typical of him. He also filmed himself on the water ride where he sat next to Sam Pepper and did a really crappy British accent.

“Ain’t no party like a youtube party!” Sam yelled as the ride began.

The ride, as expected, was accompanied by a lot of girlish squeals and yelling. By the end of the ride they were all completely drenched, including Anthony’s phone.

“Let’s go again!” Sam yelled as they got off.

“Let’s not!” everyone yelled back. That was enough water for one day.

It was fun hanging out with new people and seeing them in person for the first time but Anthony couldn’t help feeling like something was missing. Or someone.

“Hey Anthony, where’s Ian?” Sam asked him as they queued up for another ride.

“I don’t know,” Anthony shrugged, trying to appear as if he didn’t care.

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