I love You

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I love you
I really do. I would always be proud of what you accomplished.
The things you have right now were things that were not handed to you.
I am aware of the hard work you put in to achieve it and I am always proud of you.

I love you.
I wanted to let you know that I didn't harbor any hatred towards you.
Anything that makes you happy will always bring me joy.
You can always count on me to be here when you need me... but you don't need me.

I love you
But... I can't understand you.
I put in a lot of effort to try to understand you.
I tried my best to be understanding.
I tried my best to understand where this hatred and resentment came from. I acknowledge that I have shortcomings to you, but is it enough for you to hate me like this?

I love you.
Is it not clear to you how much I love you?
Don't you see the things I am willing to sacrifice for you?
Are you not aware that I am making an effort?
I am trying to make sure we meet eye-to-eye, but we really can't.

I love you
But I can't live with someone who always makes me feel that I am better off not existing.
Who always makes me feel like a burden.
Who always sees the bad things but not the good things I do.

I love you
But the disrespect is so loud that it doesn't even hurt anymore. It makes me feel numb.
I don't know what you want me to do.
Does seeing me miserable and unhappy fuel your happiness?
Would you like me to stop breathing?
Will by then, make your heart feel at ease and forgive me for something that I do not know what I did?

I love you.
God knows I do. I asked Him to grant you the peace of mind you need.
I prayed to Him to solve your problems. I prayed to Him to give you strength.

I love you.
Living with you is like living in hell for me.
Living with you wrecks me everytime.
You will always insult me on any given day.
There is no day when you will not say something bad about me. About what I do. It became part of your routine. Do you genuinely believe that it doesn't cause me pain?
There is no day that you have never made me feel like everything was my fault.
And why does it feel like even a problem with your job was my fault too?

I love you.
But... I am unable to comprehend you anymore.
If my happiness irks you, and my downfall fuels your happiness,
Then I guess we should be separated from each other.
I can't live with someone who makes me feel ashamed about myself.
The sponge I have now overflows with sadness.
For eleven years, I have understood you.
Now, I don't want to turn this sadness into anger.
I don't want to be like you... or like them.
We were raised by a monster and I thought we both agreed to never be like them, but you are becoming like him -- Angry and resentful.

I love you.
I truly do.
But...I can't continue living like this.
I am not your emotional punching bag.
Last year was hell for me. I think eleven years is enough. If you can't treat me with love, but at least treat me with respect. If you can't respect me, then at least treat me as a decent human being.
If there is no love or respect anymore,
Then I need to go. I need to leave because if we continue living together, I might want to stop breathing if it would make your heart feel at ease.

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