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"Kiai! Kiai! Kiai!" Jack screamed as he broke three boards, one after the other.
"Wow, Jack. How do you do that?"
"It comes from inside me. It's my Kiai"
"The boys in my family get their Kiais removed" Jerry shared "It's tradition"
"A kiai is the sound you make when you release the power of your inner self" I explained to them as I picked up the broken boards.
"Yes!" Jack pointed at me "Come on, guys. Free your inner beast!"
"Kiai!" Eddie screamed.
"Kiai! Whoo" Jerry screamed after him.
"Kooo!" Milton tried but failed. Jerry and Eddie started laughing.
"Your inner beast sound like a sick dove"
"Gah!" Milton left.

Then they turned their attention to me. Jack raised a brow.
"Alright" I prepared three boards so I could break them. I haven't done this in a while actually, but it didn't scare me. "Kiai!" I yelled as I broke the three boards.

"Wow, liv!" Jerry exclaimed.
"How did you do that?" Eddie  asked   surprised "Those were three boards."
"I know" I shrugged.
Jack just smirked.

"So" I tried to change the subject, turning the attention on Jack "Are you ready for the Sensei-Student tournament this week?"
"Totally" he smiled "And since I'll be competing with Rudy, I've been trying my butt off" he told us. "Our timing during the routine has to be perfect. You know how competitive he is"

Rudy walked into the dojo. "Jack, I hope you're prepared for our trip to San Francisco, because I know I am." he put the box he was carrying on the bench next to me. "I found my rubber vomit and my deluxe whoopee cushion" I laughed at him
"What makes it deluxe?" Eddie asked frowning.
"Oh, no. Why did you ask him that" I face palmed myself.
Rudy blew the cushion in their faces.
"Oh" they gasped.
"The smell" Rudy said proud of his toy.

"Rudy, you're not taking this competition seriously. Don't you wanna win?" Jack asked him.
"Come on let's just go and have fun. Make some memories of the three of us together." he pointed at himself, Jack and I. "Road trip" he said excited. I chuckled as he went in his office.

"Whoo. Look at this. Pretty sweet, uh guys?" Rudy exclaimed as we entered our hotel room. Yes, our.
"Why do I have to be in the same room as you guys?" I asked annoyed as I closed the door behind me.
"Because I'm the one who's paying" Rudy said.

I looked around the room. No way.
"Guys, there are only two beds" I looked at them but Rudy wasn't there. I looked back at the beds and found Rudy, who had already unpacked all his things, snoring on the single bed.
"How did he do it that fast?"
"I don't know" I put down my bag. "I'm too tired for this. Let's just go to bed" he nodded.

I went to the bathroom first to change in my pj, which consisted in a thank top and sweatpants, then Jack went. I curled up in a corner of the bed and fell asleep.

3rd person's POV

Jack got out of the bathroom in his  pigiama. He looked ate the bed and saw Olivia in the bed, already asleep. He smiled at the girl and laid down next to her, his back on the mattress, he's eyes on the ceiling, keeping as much distance as he could from her.
Olivia moved, her chest now facing Jack.

Before falling asleep, he glanced at her sleeping figure a couple of times.

It was the middle of the night and Rudy was watching a Bobby Wasabi movie on the TV. Getting up from his bed to take some food, he made something fall, causing a really loud noise that woke Jack up.
"Rudy!" the boy whispered-yelled. "What the heck are you doing?"
"Oh, having trouble sleeping, huh?" Rudy tried to cover the mess he had just made."Me, too"
"Keep it down or you'll wake her up!" Jack looked at the girl next to him. One hand was on his arm and the other beneath her cheek. She looked so peaceful.
"See what's on TV?" Rudy asked him, snapping him out of his stare.

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