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3rd person's POV

"Guys, we have to tell her" Milton said looking at the scene before him.
That day Olivia wasn't present at school
and her friends saw Marcus and Martha S kissing in a corner that was near Jack's locker.
"Poor Liv" Kim said sadly, thinking about everything her friend was about to go through.
Jack didn't say anything. He closed his locker and he was about to go and confront Marcus but Jerry pulled him back."Nah man, not here".
Olivia's POV

"Hey guys" I greeted walking through the doors of the dojo. The usual joy in my voice wasn't there, but I still smiled.
"Hey, lily, why are you here?" Jack asked walking towards me.
"I just wanted to see you guys" I said with a fake smile.

He looked at me with worry in his eyes. He was about to say something but not a word came out of his mouth. I knew what he wanted to say.

"Jack, I know about Marcus" I blurted out. He just looked at me, so I explained "We broke up last week. Um, I broke up with him." And he already found a replacement. Kim is the only one who knows about this and she's been trying to help me move on. The thing is I already moved on but it just gets on my nerves that he found somebody else so quickly.
"But why didn't you tell me?" he asked confused.
"Because I didn't want to make a big deal out of it" I said.
He hugged me and I hugged him back very tightly. I really needed it.

"I'm fine, I promise. But I need to talk to Rudy, did you see him?" I asked him pulling away from the hug.
"Yeah he's in his office"
"Thanks" I went over to Rudy's office.

I knocked on the door.
"Liv, come in"
"How did you know it was me?" I asked taking the seat in front of him at his desk.
"Because you're the only one who knocks"
"So what did you what to talk to me about?"
"I think I want to compete again"

Rudy and I entered the Dojo again after we went to get a froyo, and we saw Jerry trying to get a katana that was hang on the wall.
"Yo, Jerry" Rudy called him "Watcha doing?"
Jerry looked down at us "Uh, just airing out the pits"
"Well, let me be clear. No one touches my katana" Rudy pointed at it.

"Yep, kids. Every once in a while you have to put on the leather pants and hit the open road with the boys." Rudy said showing off his very tight leather skinny pants.
"Rudy, let's face it. You're never coming out of those pants" I teased making everyone laugh but Rudy just ignored me.
"Now, all I need is for one of you guys to come in on Saturday and water the plants"
"Sure" "Alright" we all agreed.
"Alright, let me get the keys from the office" he started walking but then he realised they were in his pockets, so he tried to get them but the pants were too tight. So he ended up on the floor still trying to get those keys out.

Finally he got them out and left the dojo with Bobby and Phil, who also were dressed like Rudy.

"Guys we've got these keys and Rudy's gone for the weekend. Do you know what that means?" Jack asked us exited.
"Yes. We need to come up with a chart with everyone's plant watering responsibilities" Eddie snapped his fingers.
I stood up "No, Eddie. It means we can throw that party we've always wanted to have" They all agreed with me.

"With girls and music and girls and food and girls" Jerry listed.

"Do you know who we should invite?" I asked Kim looked at me knowingly.
"Kathy Davis" "Brad Wolf" Jack and I said at the same time. We looked at each other.
"Brad's a good guy" he said nodding.
"Yeah, Kathy's nice." I said hesitantly. I really don't like her.

"Now let's get back to the party" Milton interrupted our awkward conversation. "Rudy will flip if he finds out, so we have to keep things small and under control"

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