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I was talking with Kim, Jerry and Eddie when Milton came running down the stairs.
"Guys, guys! Wanna know who just won the districtwide spelling bee" we all loked at him "Here's a clue: M-E"
"Meh?" Jerry asked confused.
"It's me, you toad."
"Congratulations Milton, I'm proud of you" I hugged him. I knew how much it meant to him.

"What is that" Eddie asked pointing at the small trophy Milton held in his hands.
"The trophy I won. It's a bronze bee"
"I've got fillings bigger than that thing" Kim said indifferent.
"Now come on who's the man?" Milton asked opening his arms.

"Jack is the man!" the principal exclaimed victorious and everyone started cheering on Jack who apparently just won the first gymnastics trophy in 15 years.
I stayed back with Milton, and patted his shoulder "I'm sorry, Milton" I said with a sad face but it was nothing compared to his.
"No, it's not your fault liv"

We watched as Jack made the routine in front of everybody and I was furious. What kind of friends are they?
The bell rang and everybody started to get to class but I stayed with Milton.

"Lily, Milton, are you coming?" Jacke asked as he stopped to look back at us.
I looked at Milton and he said he'll catch up with us, so we left him alone.

My class was in front of Jack's so we had to walk together and he talked the whole way but I never replied or commented. I was so angry at him and at the others.
We were almost there when he realised that I wasn't talking. He stopped and grabbed my arm so that I was facing him.
"Hey, what's  wrong" he asked with a frown on his face.
I looked at him for a second then I took his hand off of my arm and made my way to my class alone.

Right after school I went to the dojo because Rudy asked me to come in early so that I could help him with the little kids.

"Good job everybody" I said with a smile on my face. Rudy said he had something to do so he put me in charge of the little kids' training.
"Okay, I think you're parents are gonna be here soon so go change" I said looking at the clock on the wall. They all went to change and I started to clean up the place, it was a mess: there were carpets and dummies everywhere.

I heard the bell of the door ring so I looked up and saw the others entering the dojo.
"Hey liv"
"Hey guys" i greeted them while standing up.
"Liv, the magic shop closed so there's a free storage space in the basement directly below us" Rudy informed me exited.
"Wait the magic store? Is that where you went because you told me you had a family emergency ?" I asked him with a raised brow, slowly advancing towards him.
"No" he said in a high pitched voice, obviously lying.

"Anyway. You can finally put your stuff in there"
"Yeah, this place is getting pretty cluttered"Eddie agreed with me.
"It's not" Rudy insisted.
"Rudy, this place looks like a crazy old cat lady lives in here" Kim said looking around the dojo.
"Ok, that is a bit of an exaggeration"
"Really?" I asked sarcastically.

To prove my point I opened the closet near us and quickly stepped back when a bunch of stuff came down, covering the entire floor.
Then a red cat came out of it.
"Okay, that is not my cat" he stated going away. He stopped "Are you coming, Tip-tip?" when the cat followed him, he started walking again.

"So Liv, what are you doing here so early?" Kim asked me with the others next to her.
"Oh, um, Rudy asked to come in early to help him with the kids" I said glancing at Jack but I quickly refocused my attention on Kim. "Since after the tournament a lot of parents signed up their kids for the lessons, and I am helping Rudy out when he needs"

I kinda feel bad for how I reacted before and I should've explained why I was angry. Anyway, I'll talk to him later.

" That's really sweet of you"
"Yeah. I am not even asking him for any payment" I sighed "I'm so generous"
"And modest" Jack teased so I hit him with a piece of cloth.

It was lare in the night and I was closing the dojo. Today I was kinda off, I don't know why but I was just feeling down.
"So you guys got the janitor fired, made him train to compete in a sumo match against the guy he lost to years ago?" I asked Kim on the phone.

"Yeah, it was a crazy day" she laughed, making me laugh too.

Then I saw a couple of guys on the benches outside the dojo.
"Wait a second, Kim, I'll call you back" I said taking the phone away from my face.

"Okay" I hang up the phone.

"Hey guys" I said getting their attention "Sorry, I'm closing. You can go on the benches outside"

"Oh, yeah sure" they all got up and followed me to the exit of the mall. The dojo was the last building to close so there was nobody else to close the mall.
"Wait, you're Olivia right? I think we have english together" one of the guys said as I was closing the gate.
"Yes, Marcus right?" I said looking at him with a small smile.
"Yeah" he said smiling.
"Well I have to go now, but I'll see you in class I guess"
"Sure, bye" He responded, still with a smile on his face.
"Bye" and with that I turned around towards my house.

I grabbed my phone again and called Kim.
"Hey Liv, everything alright?" she asked me a little worried.

"Yeah, yeah. There was just- Do you remember Marcus? He's in our English class"

"The super cute guy that always sits behind you? That Marcus?"

"Yeah, that one. He was at the mall with some friends. Um, what do you know about him?" I asked with a bit of hesitation.

Season 1, Episode 2

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