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I laughed at Jerry who just took Rudy for a froyo instead of Kelsey after Kim kicked him pretty hard.
She turned her head at the sound of my laugh. "So, Liv, how's it going with Marcus" she asked teasingly.
I looked at her with wide eyes because the others didn't know I was going out with him, even though it's been a couple of weeks.

"Marcus?" Jack asked confused "You're going out with Marcus?"
I looked at Kim one last time then I turned towards Jack, Milton and Eddie, who all had their arms crossed.
"Um, maybe" I said trying not to look in their eyes.
"Is that why he's always hanging out near your locker or in the mall?" Milton asked excited, maybe a little too excited.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Eddie asked frowning.
"It's just that- It's new and, I don't know, I'm still trying to figure things out. But I was going to tell you guys soon"

Just as I finished that phrase, the front door opened and Marcus came in.
"Hey, you ready?"
"Yeah" I grabbed my purse "Bye guys"
Marcus looked at them and down, and so did they. While leaving the dojo he put his arm around my shoulders keeping me closer.

-3rd person POV-

After Olivia and Marcus left, Jack spoke up.
"I don't like him" he said
"Me neither"
"Yeah, there's something wrong with him" Milton added.
They all agreed that Marcus wasn't a good person.

"Guys, I think you're overreacting"

Jack and Kim were sitting on the stairs talking with Jerry and Eddie while Olivia was with Marcus near them.
They've been spending a lot of time together recently. She was against the wall and he was in front of her.They were talking before class when Milton came over dressed like a king. He even had a crown.
He explained that they were all going to participate to one of those nerd battles with him.
"what happened to all your other friends?" Kim asked him.
"Yeah, the ones that throw up when we tried to talk to them" Olivia added.

"They all have other things to do"
As Olivia was about to speak up again, Marcus took her hand. When she turned to look at him, he nodded his head to the other side of the hall, so they went over there. There were kids that were going from one part of the school to the other so her friends couldn't always see what they were doing so Milton went back to explaining what they had to do.

Jack glanced back at where Olivia and Marcus went. She was on her tip toes kissing him. She had her arms around his neck and he had his hands around her waist.

A strange feeling possessed his body and he
quickly looked away back to his friends.
"Weird" he thought.

-Olivia's POV-

I was kissing Marcus. It wasn't the first time, but it felt good every times.
The bell rang indicating that we had to go to class.

"Guys, I really feel bad for Milton"
"Yeah me too"
"Are you two saying we should go help him? Because I, um, I can't" We all looked at Kim "My aunt Charlotte, she's coming in from Charlotte and we're gonna go watch 'Charlotte's Web' " she lied trying to get out of that situation, but none of us bought it.
"Wow, I'm not good at lying" she surrendered.

"Milton has always been there for us"
"Yeah, we have to help him" I agreed with Jack.

"Seriously? Is this what we have to do?" Eddie asked.
We all dressed up as medieval characters. Kim and I were dressed as princesses. Her dress was pink and purple while mine was blue.

"Let's just go to the park"

"This isn't a shortcut Eddie! And my feet hurt." I informed him.
"Relax, I'm an Explorer Scout. I was trained to navigate by the stars"
"Oh, I can help you see the stars" I said. I was about to kick him but Jack held me back.
"Come on, guys. We have to focus"

"Oh my god, Jerry get away from that porcupine" I warned him, but it was too late.
"This dumb groundhog thinks his a porcupine" a very hurt Jerry said.

After a while and after been chased by the bees we finally found the right path.
"Where's Kim and Eddie?" I asked looking around.
"Oh, Kim got her hair stuck in a thorn bush. Eddie's trying to get her out"

"It took a while, but I finally got Kim's head out of that bush. Luckily I had my official Explorer Scout pocket knife" Eddie said catching up to us.
Than Kim after him, but her hair were a disaster. We all gasped.

"Guys, the battlefield's right over there. Come on" She started running with a smile on her face. She clearly didn't know what Eddie just did. I looked at the others then followed after her.

"Thanks again guys. I know you were embarrassed by those costumes. But don't worry, you'll never have to wear them again. And no one at school don't ever have to know" Milton said as we entered the dojo.
"You're right, Milton. They don't, but they will"

Yes, we went to school with those costume.

Season 1, Episode 5

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