008- Through The Lenses

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a 3rd posthumous birthday to the one who brought my writing to life.♡  i do hope these past 3 years have been simply a timeless moment of the bliss and peace you've always deserved.☆

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Ergo dum me diligis-
So long as you love me.
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008: Through The Lenses

"Okay, class. It's good to see everyone again. As you all know, every term there is a project which makes up for eighty percent of your assessment. You don't have to do, as Photography is just an elective, but gathering up more points will help to boost your GPA. Okay, I'm talking too much. I'll get to business."

He pointed towards the projector which was displaying a heading and a group of words arranged in blocks under every month from January to April that said, Let's Do 10.

"Let's Do 10; in this project, you have to take a photograph according to every theme in each week for every month. Since we are two weeks behind, it means you will have 3 different photographs to take this week alone. The due date for this project is March 29. In this project, the key points I will be assessing are the quality, aesthetics, and growth in each photograph you take."

Great, Marcel thought to himself. He'd have to take pictures all semester.

"It's a solo project, which means no partner. You do it all by yourself. I hope this makes you happier as some of you were not happy with last term's project. That will be all for today."


Switching on his laptop, Marcel waited patiently for the system to load and then once the process had been completed, hesitatingly typed in a message on his web browser.

Then he got up from his bed, eyes landing on a little box he'd kept in front of the drawer. Do not touch was written on paper tape, plastered on the split middle of the small carton.

Aggressively, he tore off the plaster and rolled it between his fingers into a little ball, tossing it out of the window while no one was looking.

"Just be grateful that thing did not land on one hostel master's head." Turned out, Moyo had seen him. "What's in the not so little box?"

Marcel didn't look up from unravelling his little secrets. "Nothing you need to know," he replied in an icy, quipped tone.

He pulled out the camera, and then carefully set it on the bed. He wiped it with the hem of his hoodie and then raised it to his eye.

"I didn't know you were into photography," Moyo commented.

At the moment, Moyo's ordinary comment had flew in and out of Marcel's ears. All he could hear was the sound of a slap as he stared into the lenses of his camera.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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