005- From A Monster To A Monster

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Dum vivimus, vivamus-
When we live, let us live.
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005: From A Monster To A Monster

Physics. Physics. Physics.

Just to solve one equation, her teacher had wiped and wiped across the board like there was no tomorrow. Unaware of the other presence in the room, with airpods plugged in his ears, Marcel silently bobbed his head, scribbling down a jumble of alphabets and numbers.

Bukunmi sighed to herself. With the way Sir Enoch had almost driven himself to the brink of insanity as he furiously wiped across the board trying to solve a simple equation, what made her think she could get it?

And what sort of question was that even? Getting a whole teacher to struggle?

She stood up with the feeling of resignation, shoulders slumped and a dejected look plastered on her face, ready to pack her notes and textbook into her backpack when her eyes landed upon Marcel's dancing figure.

Okay, he wasn't really dancing. But the occasional bobbing of his head from left to right, his feet tapping on the floor and the way his fingers drummed on the table... could've been close to dancing. She then noticed the airpods in his ear.

The audacity, she thought, boldly listening to music in class when any one could walk in at any time. Even if bringing phones to school was allowed in BSH, being a perk as a result of the millions of naira they paid as school fees, students didn't flaunt their phones carelessly. Teachers expressed little to no concern of the fact that this was allowed, but that didn't mean they didn't show disdain whenever they caught a student actively using their phone.

Usually, Marcel was the one to walk up to her and start an endless talk. Daring to do the same, she dropped her backpack and braced herself but before that, taking the time to admire his facial features and physique overall.

That didn't take too long however, as Marcel removed his airpods from his ears and smirked slightly at Bukunmi. "Creep."

Bukunmi scowled. "What do you mean by that?"

If Bukunmi didn't realize this before, she was definitely realizing it now. Seeing as he stood up and walked towards her, and literally had to look down to speak to her... it made her furious. He was visibly taller than her, almost close to the height difference she beared with Alexandro.

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