001- New Term, New Beginnings

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001: New Term, New Beginnings

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001: New Term, New Beginnings

001: New Term, New Beginnings

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Life was very much alike to a coin toss, figuratively. A coin toss was an uncertain selection between two outcomes of similar likelihood, or between two objects of similar quality.

The key phrase: uncertain selection.

Which meant, even if you had the power to decide, you could only do that to a limit. Like a push, or last step. The final decision, or outcome was uncertain and would be a random- lucky or unlucky selection.

How you lived life, your will or not your will.

How you wanted to live life.

Which one of the two was the uncertain selection?

For Bukunmi, it was the first.

And it was not her will.

Hours had passed by, each second of it wasting away as the hands of the clock tick-tocked. It was dusk and the sun had set, signalling that it was time for the latter part of the day to take charge, drawing closer to nightfall.

Bukunmi glanced at the new girl, eyeing her cautiously. She resolved to reading since there was nothing else she could do anyway. The following day was a Monday and classes would officially begin.

She was in the middle of solving a Further Mathematics question when the new girl called her attention. "Is it true...?"

Bukunmi looked up at the girl, a puzzled expression marring her face. "Is what true?"

"There is a ranking system here which is toxic and stupid?" the girl said, staring blank faced at Bukunmi who smiled in response.

"That's not how we describe it here, but if that's what you please to do... sure," she told her.

Few minutes of silence drawled by, only the sound of the clock filled the air, until Bukunmi broke the silence again. "I have two questions. Permit me to ask."


"Number one, what is your name? Number two, what would you say your educational rank is?"

It was the girl's turn to smile, but it wasn't a pleasant smile. It was a neutral smile, one that hid so many thoughts of wonder and amusement. "My name is Lisa. I would say my rank is an Intellectual."

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