☆ chapter 2

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forbidden high
school love.


A week has passed. Life has been going.. Boring. You know what, school starts again tomorrow. I'm going to confront Yuki. Usually I'm such a big extrovert but with Yuki i'm shy for no reason. I don't wanna get too involved with this, I'm just curious. Alex always suspicious me for having a crush on Yuki. It's only been a week since I met her-- Well.. Not really 'met' her.
         Oh yeah, apparently the school has a TikTok made by some students. Basically how it works is that students @ this school account on their posts about school, then this school account saves the video and puts it on their account or something. And I also saw that sometimes the school account makes their own posts. How do I know this? Alex told me, he also told me I was apart of it because someone "famous" joined the school. They're not even acknowledging my art! Idiots! I have to be careful this time, this school knows me better then others. Usually I get some attention in other schools, but in this school a lot of people follow me apparently. Some girls even come up to me and Alex and attempt to flirt. I sigh. I'm not falling for a girl that uses me for my popularity.

Another day of hell, i'm here again walking down the hall to my locker. Yuki? What is she doing here? I never saw her around the hall of my locker. Did she switch lockers? Is that even possible? You know what, I'm using this chance to talk to her. I'm acting like a freak, why am I scared to talk to her?! I walk up to her.

"Um-- Yuki."
She looks around to see me calling her name.
"Oh. Hey. We never talked before?"
"No, you.. Your name is Yuki right?"

I blush of embarrassment, what if I got it wrong?

"Yeah, you're coming up to me and don't even know my name?"
"Sorry. You know me right?"
"Nah, I just saw people crowding you so I was curious. Sorry for staring at you."
"No it's fine. I'm Akio."
"Nice to meet you I guess."

Awkward silence begins.

"Right-- Do I know you from somewhere?"
"Um.. I don't think so."
"Oh, you seem really familiar to me that's why."
"I was thinking of that too."

Thank God she related to me! If she didn't that would've been so embarrassing!! I look a bit down to her. She's literally as short that she reaches my neck at least. I'm getting carried away, I need to think.

"I feel like it's something with.. Yeah no I have no idea."

Did she try tricking me or what. Idiot. I hate you already. It feels like, I hated you before too. By any chance did we meet when we were younger?

"Hey.. Did we meet in elementary school?"

She pauses for a moment.

"Did you go to ___ elementary school?"
"Shit. Well we're lost."

I look away, we've been staring at each other for so long. It's getting embarrassing already. I hate you, Yuki.

"Hey you know, you're really boring."

Tsk!! This idiot!!

"Well what can I do?! At least I can control that, you can't control your height!"

She looks pissed off.

"You're just too tall!"

I look down at her vicious face and smirk. My eyes trail down to her long black hair, then back to her cute black doe eyes. She was very pale I also noticed, maybe genes? Oh how bad I want to annoy her and tease her right now.

"Don't just smirk at me!"
"You know, you seem to sound very confident in this situation, I don't see why."
"I am not!!"

She throws a punch at me, why didn't I expect this before? I was just playing! She wants this! I push her against the locker, ready to pull her hair. I can't-- I shouldn't. I can't touch her much. Her eyes are squinted. Ha. I kick her shins instead.

"Agh!- I expected you to pull my hair instead! That hurts more!"
"Well-- Don't punch me then."

Next thing you know, she lifts her left leg up and attacks you know where.


Fast enough that came out of my mouth, I squat down, my eyes are the one squinting now. I cover my crouch with my hands thinking that will help. As the pain slowly gets better, i open one eye and look up at her. She smirks. Tsk. Don't just smirk at me!
I hate you, Yuki.


Why do I want her attention right now? I want her to punch me right now. I sound like a creep now. I sigh. I wanna be with her right now. After class I will find a way to get her attention. Luckily, my next class is with Alex and Yuki. What?! Why is it luckily?! Because of Alex it's lucky, right.
Again with this crowd? I just wanna get to my class lord.. There she is. She's staring at me. I look back at her, she rolls her eyes. Aw. Seriously,  Yuki help me. I look at her as she was pulled by a friend. I mouth to her.

"Help me."

She raises her eyebrows and runs away. Oh god. You don't understand how much I hate you Yuki.


"Hey mom."
"Welcome back honey! How was your day?"
"I fought with a girl today.."
"Already?! Didn't I tell you not to-- Wait what?! A girl?!"
"She started it!!"

My mom looks at me.

"Don't continue it, didn't I teach you manners?!"
"Yeah but she punched me and it hurt! And she hit me you know where!!"
"So what's her name?"

She drops her dishes in the sink. My mom looked like she was about to yell at me. She stares at me.

"That b-!.. Never mind, I wont say it. Stay away from her. Do you not remember her?"
"Well I knew she was familiar, I just didn't know where from.."
"In elementary, you two were such good friends at the park, we met her parents and they were so rude! Just like Yuki! Her parents were forcing us to buy them everything they wanted at the mall. After that, Yuki always started hitting you and stuff. How do you not remember?!"

I look away. There has to be a reason for this, I don't remember though anything.


1070 words.

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