☆ chapter 1

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forbidden high
school love.


I can't believe I'm still doing this bullshit. Changing schools every minute. Well, not really, but you get it. I keep on getting into fights so my parents think I have to change schools for a better reputation. Anyway, I'm pretty popular on instagram so it doesn't matter much.
Here I am again, getting ready for a new school. I guess I'll at least try my best to stay in this school. I sigh. Okay, I need to wake up. Stop sleeping. I don't wanna wake up. I'm still so tired. If I don't wake up now, my mom's gonna shout at me. Whatever. I sit up, stretching my arms. Next thing, stand up. Wow, that's hard. I haven't stood up since Friday, when I got into a fight at my previous school. I got hurt by that stupid fight and could barely walk. Well, mission accomplished. I stood up and now walking to the bathroom.
Okay, I made it to the school. Mission complete once again. Woah, so much people in a uniform. I hate wearing uniform. This school sucks. But, I don't wanna keep changing schools so I'll try staying here. It's literally April when I join this school. The amount of stares I will get is cra-- Why am I being crowded now? What the hell?!


How does this girl know me? More people follow her, some guys as well.

"What? How do you know me?!"

"We follow you!"


I spot 2 girls on the side whispering, do they also know who I am? 1 of them look so familiar.. I just can't.. remember.. Who is this girl? I already hate her just by staring at me like that. God.. Stop looking at me with those eyes.. We make eye contact for a few seconds and look away immediately. Does she also think I'm familiar?
It's almost the end of the day already, I've been thinking about her basically all day. That sounds so weird. I don't even know her name, I barely know what she even looks like. I sigh as I write down my introduction paper. My english teacher told me to present myself to the class because I'm new.
I'm done, I hand it to her. She nods, telling me to present it. I walk to the front of the class. Right before I speak, some annoying person obviously has to come i-- Oh. It's that girl.

"Sorry!!! I'm late!!"
"It's fine Yuki, sit down please."
"Yes miss!!"

So that's her name, Yuki. Still don't know who she is. Maybe we met before. She rushes to her desk and takes her english textbook out. Cute. CUTE?! Whatever. I look at the teacher, she nods at me. I look down at the paper.

"Hi I'm Akio and I like to draw. My favourite colour is orange and I love ginger cats."

I say with no enthusiasm at all. Okay, well I'm done with that. I'm sitting down now. I walk to my desk and stare at Yuki. At least I know her name now, it would be creepy if she's stuck in my head and I don't even know her name. I look at her a little more. Nope, don't know her.
The guy next to me smirks at me, why is he smirking?

"Dude, have a crush on your first day?"

I look at him.

"Hell no. She just looks.. Familiar."
"Yeah, I think that's her name."
"Well-- I'm Alex. You?"
"Just presented myself idiot."
"Right-- Your um.. Ikea?"
"No, Akio."

Should I be offended?

"Sorry, I barely pay attention."
"Real. Friends?"


Today was a successful day. I made a friend, did well on my classes and.. Nope, never mind. Not so successful. I haven't figured out who Yuki is. I sigh. What if she's someone that killed me in my past life? What am I thinking about. My thoughts are wild. I hate you, Yuki. Why are you making me think about you so much?! I can't confront her, it's embarrassing if she doesn't know me at all or doesn't find me familiar at all. Lord, that would be embarrassing.
Di- ding.

sent you a chat.

Oh yeah, I forgot I added him. I don't regret changing his name to that. He basically is an alarm. I swear, every second I get a snap from him. I get he's trying to start a snap streak and get is snap score higher, but I need a break! But this time it's a text. I grab my phone and open it.

"Hey dude, are you popular
on instagram? I didn't even
know. One of my friends was
on my phone after school and
saw you and made a big deal
about how you were famous
on instagram."

"yeah, I only put pictures of
my art though. sometimes
I put photos of me which
probably made most girls
follow me."

"That's sick! What's your

Read 4:47pm

I thought he only wanted to be my friend because he knew I was a bit more popular. That's cool. Everyone's making a big deal out of this, I'm not that popular. I have around 20k? I know it's a lot, but it's not so much to call me literally famous.

One new follower.

I smile at my phone.


Another day of school, just a few more week. 85 more days to go until summer. Yay. I reach my locker, my first destination. I gotta get my books and run to class. Lord life is boring.
Yuki is in my english class again. Of course she is, why would I think she's only going to be there yesterday? Idiot. Alex is writing down some notes from the teacher. How didn't I notice we're taking notes?!

"Hey, Alex. Can i copy your notes?"
"Yeah sure, distracted by Yuki?"
"Shut up. My eyes just go to her when I think."
"Are you thinking about her?"
"No! Just shush!"

Am I really thinking about her? No. Not exactly. Not really. as if my thoughts were dragging me away from paying attention. Whatever.


1020 words.

forbidden high school love.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant