Base After Base

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This level is the 5th level hence the 5 stars you get when you beat it this level was also released in 1.0 this is the first hard rated level now this level adds nothing but rather just puts everything you already learned in one level. Now let's start with the coins, the first coin is at 21 percent where you just gotta fall and do nothing but once you got the coin there's a pad which brings you back on track
Now the second coin is at 46 percent which is another timing like the last coin in polargeist you have to click at the perfect timing where you enter the hole between one platform and the other but watch out if you do it too late you will go on the next platform where you basically missed the coin and if you do it to early you will die to the spike but if you timed it perfectly you will get the coin and then there will be a gravity portal which will bring you back on track.
Ok now the last coin is the easiest of 'em all now it's at 65 percent you just have to hold in the ship part and then you get it, it's as simple as that now as I said this level adds nothing so this level isn't thaaat interesting so let's go to the next level Can't let go

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