Chapter 6

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Percy wanted to scream, but he felt frozen in place. In front of him was a woman with snakes for hair, and he couldn't move. This all felt wrong. Like he shouldn't be seeing it this soon.


"Was that Grover?" Poseidon asked.

"Why was he dreaming about Medusa this early on?" Athena asked.

"Oh my us! I know what it is!" Zeus said, as he looked over at the son of Poseidon with a look of pride.

Percy shot up in bed panting, he swore the voice in that dream wa Grover's but none of this made sense. As he rolled over he noticed Grover's bed was empty and never appeared to be slept in.

But his crutches were right next to his bed.

"It's okay, young man. Your protector hasn't gone far." A calm voice swept through the voice as sleepiness entered his body once more.

"Who the hell was that?" Ares asked, looking around.

Everyone seemed off, but Percy looked calm. As if he had heard that voice before.

"Perce?" Apollo asked.
"They didn't mean any harm. I haven't been able to place them, or identify them. But they seem familiar. As if I've always known them." Percy smiled.

As Percy fell back asleep, the door opened and Grover entered slowly closing the door behind him.

The scene changed to the next day. Percy seemed more calm, but as the day came to a close he started getting iritated.

"Percy! You need to try and calm down!" Grover said, as his water bottle shook.

"She is so irritating!" Percy yelled. As he turned his back the bottle exploded. Grover quickly cleaned it up and hid it away.

"Percy! Breathe!" Grover said, as he got up.

"Did he just explode that water bottle?" Ares asked.

"Yes, yes he did." Poseidon said with pride filling his chest.

Percy blanked out. His vision being filled with images flashing quickly. First with Nancy running in and throwing food at Grover and him. Then with his Fall break with him going home to Gabe giving him a surprise visit while his mom is at work.

"Percy!" Grover yelled.

His mind flashed one more image. A boy with a scar down his left side of his face. With blue eyes and blonde hair in a room with tall concrete thrones. He crept next to one at the front of the room and took and silver rod. Then went to one and the edge of the room and took what appeared to be a hat.

"Percy!" Grover yelled, shaking his shoulders.

"He predicted the theft!" Apollo gasped.
Everyone at once knew what his last domain protayed to. Prophecy.

"Does everyone know?" Athena asked.
"Prophecy?" Poseidon asked.
"Sense you were able to say it. Then yeah, everyone knows." Apollo said.

Everyone's vision flashed white. They knew at once they shouldn't have figured this out so quickly. But seeing that memory. It answered the last few questions they all had.

As their vision cleared they were met with the the dining room they left. And in the center of it all were the three fates in the robes.

"Do you have the answers you need to guide young Persues with his newest domain?" They all asked at once.

"Yes I do. My ladies." Apollo said, as he bowed his head.

"Good. We wish you luck, Persues." They said as they flashed out of the room.

"Now what?" Percy asked, looking around.

Apollo turned slowly around. With confusion in his eyes.  "You saw Luke steal the bolt and healm. You predicted it. Days, weeks, even months before it happened. And when you met him you didn't say anything. Why? Perseus, why?"

This caught everyone's attention. Why hadn't he say anything.

"He had been so nice to me. Even after dad claimed me, he would hang out with me, train with me, talk to me. He was the only one who didn't treat me like I had the plague. Once I got the quest, once I had learnt of the fact I was being blamed. I had a massive crush on the guy." Percy smiled, shaking his head.

"I don't know if it was hero worship, or if honestly I just liked him. But I was willing to take the blame if it meant the guy that had spent that whole time with me was safe. But then he almost sent us to Tartarus, and Ares almost got us stuck in horrible predicament with Hades." Percy looked down, his smile turning in a frown as tears formed in his eyes and slowly fell down his face.

"I pieced it all together after the fight on the beach. And spent the plane ride over coming to terms with everything. While also hoping to be struck down so I wouldn't have to face him." Percy laughed threw a sob. While everyone else was shocked by the statement. Apollo resisted the urge to walk over and hug Percy knowing of he did Percy wouldn't finish his story.

"The entire time Luke was trying to win me over because Kronos wanted me as a host. But I resisted so he took Luke. When I got back to camp he tried killing me on orders from the Titan Lord and obviously he failed. But that's when I felt his betrayal the most, and my crush broke." Apollo rushed forwards after that, he didn't care if the story wasn't over. He wasn't going to let him suffer anymore.

Hermes looked down, he had no idea Percy tried taking the blame at first. The fact his Percy trusted Luke in the end after that betrayal spoke words on how much he liked him. No. No crush would do that, he loved Luke. Just like Annabeth did, maybe not as strong or in the same way but it was there.

A/N okay please don't hate me for how fast that arc ended. Also yes I kinda am leaning away from the Canon timeline for this series if you haven't noticed from the first book.  Now, it's my headcanon that Luke was both Percy and Annabeth's first love and because of their fatal flaws they both took his betrayal differently. Yes I am planning to update more frequently, but don't hold me up to that.... 💛


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