Chapter 3

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Everyone was processing what they have just saw, the didn't know if they get breaks in between, or if they just have to keep watching this young man go through all this trauma again. As the image shifted, Percy was now a year older, he was standing on a bridge over the shark tank. "Pull the middle lever." A voice was heard.

Everyone looked around, not understanding where it was coming from. Not everyone could be hearing the same thing if it didn't actually happen.

 "It was a shark." Poseidon told everyone.

Percy pulled the lever, and the bridge dropped, Percy, his kindergarten class, and the guide all went into the shark tank. The sharks avoided Percy's class and the guide,  and instead went straight went for Percy, swimming around him. He laughed as the sharks swam around him, a few rubbing their tails as they swim by. 

Everyone watched young Percy having fun, dreading for it to end; though they all knew it would happen eventually, because this was the first time he got expelled.

The image changed again, this time Percy was 7 and his class was at a battleground. The tour guide was talking while Percy waked off. As the tour guide continued talking, Percy walked behind a war cannon, before anyone could notice he shot the school bus. The bus was now inflames, everyone had their ears covered, the majority of the class had tears streaming down their cheeks. 

Everyone looked at the young man with amazement in their eyes. "Perseus Jackson!" Apollo yelled, his eyes shining in laughter. 

"What?" He asked, chuckling. 

"You. Are. Insane." 

A/N I know this is short, but here ya go!

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