chapter 4

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A/N there is a content warning on this one, and a trigger warning. Trigger warnings are as follows: abuse, implied rape, and talk of said implied rape. The contet warning is marked before and after where it applies, so if you would like a summed up version or anything please let me know and I'll give it to you.

"Okay so we have 11 years left?" Artemis asked.

"It seems so, but once we get to him starting the quests it's going to get harder."

Everyone looked at Hermes, a look saying "no duh" on all of their faces. As they went to look at the said god they were talking about the image shifted once again and this time it wasn't as pleasant.

8 year old Percy walked into class, in the front of the room was a monster. When Percy shook his head it was then a young man. "Okay class, today we're talking about the predator and prey pyramid." One kid raised their hand in the back of the class, "What is that?" A loud bang went through the room, and dust filled the room,

"What was that?" Poseidon asked.

"It sounded like one of my sonic arrows..." Apollo thought aloud. "But I don't remember shooting one, or doing this exact event."

"That prophecy...was in effect even then?" Percy asked himself, with wide eyes.

"Oh my us!" Hermes yelled.

"...against all odds..." Apollo whispered.

a new teacher in the front of the class, "The pyramid is how we know what animal goes after the others."

"Still amazed the mist works this fast." Hermes commented to himself.

The image shifted again, this time showing a park.

Percy walked through the park to see a guy selling balloons. He had gold eyes, and brown hair.

"That guy has gold eyes right?" Zeus asked.

"Yes. Yes he does." Hera said, looking a little freaked out herself.

Percy walked up to the mystery man, "Hello, sir. May I have a balloon?" The man smiled. "Of course, Perseus." Percy laughed, "You know my name!" The man chuckled, "Of course I know my great-grandson's name."

Everyone gasped, what was, more like who was this man.

The man gave Percy a balloon, when Percy went to tell his mom about the man, when he pointed the man was gone. Nothing but the balloons flying into the sky to prove someone was once there.

"What. The. Hell?!" Dionysus asked, not understanding any of that memory.

"I...I don't even remember that, I dont-"

No one knew what to tell the young god besides, "It's okay, we'll figure it out."

Percy now 9 years old, was getting ready for a new school, this one a boarding school. He packed his suitcase and backpack, heading out of the apartment. Gabe walked behind him, a smirk on his face. "Get kicked out of this one, and I'll make sure you never have anything. Got it boy!" Percy in return whimpered, getting into the car.

"Okay, I don't give a shit if he is already dead, I'm killing him again!" Apollo yelled out.

Hermes and Ares would have laughed if they didn't agree with wanting to kill him.

"It's fine guys. Mom already dealt with him." Percy tried to calm everyone down, but knew until Smelly Gabe's death nothing would change with their moods.

It now showed Percy getting out of the car with all of his things, and Gabe waiting for him at the front door of the apartment. "What did I tell you boy?" He didn't give Percy a chance to respond before grabbing him by the neck and pulling him into the apartment.

"Okay...I really wish we got breaks."

Everyone agreed.


Percy was forced to leave his things in the front of the apartment. Gabe dragged him to a room in the back of the apartment. "Shirt now!" Percy obeyed not wanting it to be worse. "Pants too." Percy obeyed, talking his pants off. "Now, what did I tell you when you left for that school?!" Gabe yelled. "Not to get kicked out." Percy whimper, which earned him a slap with a belt.

Everyone was now seizing, they couldn't wait for this all to be over.

"And what did your dumbass go and do?" He asked. "I got kicked out." Gabe laughed, "Yes and not only that, we got fined for everything you broke." Percy looked down, which got him slapped across the stomach, "LOOK AT ME!" Percy tried not to whimper as he looked up, "And do you know what your punishment is?" Percy shook his head no. "Your going to lay on that bed and let me have fun." Percy looked behind him and saw a bed that had black sheets and some rope.

All of the gods and goddesses that were watching this froze.

"No...please tell me no." Poseidon pleaded.

Apollo looked down, he wanted to cry, but he had to worry about Percy first and foremost. Percy was looking down, his eyes misty and his face void of all emotion.

"You okay?" Apollo knew it was a stupid question of course he wasn't okay, look at what their watching.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Percy smiled.

Apollo frowned at how easily Percy lied and passed this off. "Are you sure?"

He nodded, "Yeah I'm fine, no need to worry."

As Percy began to fight and plead Gabe tied his belt around Percy's mouth, throwing him onto the bed.

The scene went black, so they all know he didn't stop, he went through with it, and by Percy's reaction it wasn't the first time.

⚠️ Content warning over ⚠️

Everyone looked at Percy with sad eyes, this was the young man they all knew, but how were they supposed to see a happy young man now that they knew all of this.

"Was that the first time?" Hermes asked.

"Yes. It was."

Everyone was confused, his reaction said differently.

"You froze before you started freaking out, why?" Apollo asked.

"I saw what would happen, his touches, everything."

And there was one answer to their question on his hidden domain, it would be prophecy, but they already knew this.

"Has this happened any other time, in the years we have already watched?" Athena asked.

Percy nodded, "Once, it was when my mom married him. I saw the man he would become."

Apollo had an idea of what the hidden domain was, "I think your hidden domain maybe-" He continued to move his mouth but no words came out.

"I think we all need to figure it out, and I guess it happens mkre often when your in danger." Athena noted.

Percy nodded, "It does."

"Tradegy." Apollo said.

"Oh!" Athena gasped, "That makes so much sense! It's-" Her mouth moved but no noise came out. Once she realized this she huffed, crossing her arms, pouting.

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