Chapter 5- (Merry Christmas!!)

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Everyone wanted to know what Athena and Apollo were speaking about when they mentioned the hidden domain, but given the fact neither could finish their sentence the Fates didn't want them to.

10 year old Percy sat on his bed, nursing a wound he had on his thigh. 

"Where did that wound come from Percy?" Poseidon asked as he looked at the gash on his son's thigh.

"Gabe found a thin leather belt, he wanted to try it out." Percy explained. His explanation earned 13 glares aimed at the gash on this thigh.

Percy seemed to  be humming a song as he cleaned said wound. Before he got into what would have been the chorus, his eyes snapped up, and became glossy.

"Is this?" Apollo looked the Perseus that existed next to him now.

"Yeah it is. I remember this one vividly, because it scared me so much." 

Percy had tears falling down his cheek as his eyes flashed around what his mind saw. He gasped out "Mom", before the gloss slowly faded from his eyes, and he became aware again. 

"What is about to happen to your mother?" Demeter asked the son of Poseidon.

"This vision happened the week before i left for Yancy." Everyone tensed realizing what he just saw.

"The minotaur attack." Apollo and Hermes whispered.

Percy nodded, looking down, "I didn't think it was real, I thought maybe my mind was replacing a man or car with it, but I was wrong." 

"Oh my gods, your other domain its-" Hermes got cut off just like Apollo and Athena.

"Why did you try saying anything?" Artemis asked her half-brother.

Percy rushed to his bags and grabbed out a sweatshirt, it was blue with a series of waves on the sleeves and a surfing quote on the front. 'You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.' A surf board under the quote said Percy in a sea font. He took the sweatshirt and put it on is bed, and hid a note under the hood. 

"When did he write that note?" Hermes asked.

"I don't think it showed me doing so." Percy answered, as he looked down remembering what was in that note. Apollo catching on to his mood, grabbed his hand and held it. 

"Are you okay?" He asked the young god, Percy nodded in response.

Apollo knowing he was lying, just held is hand, and kissed his forehead not wanting to push him any farther than this screening already was.

Percy was seen writing a letter. "Dear mom,"

Everyone looked forwards realizing they were being shown the letter he wrote and hid in his hoodie.

"If you find this then I am already gone for school." 

"I thought this was a week before you left?" Hera asked.

"It was, mom just worked a lot and was barely home to see me. during the summer."

"I had another dream. This time it was a bull-man. I don't know what is going on but its scaring me. Yesterday I had a dream about a bat-lady in a museum. The day before that it was a blonde-kid with a scar in a temple."

"You saw everything." Artemis was shocked, he knew everything from the action he would take that would lead to the events and still sacrificed all he did. 

"I hope you don't worry about me, I need you to promise me you'll take care of yourself no matter what. And mom, I'm sorry. Signed, Perseus Jackson." 

No one said a word hearing the last bit of the letter even how he used his full name to sign the letter. 

Percy finished packing his bags as a crack of thunder happened before flashing lightning.

It  flashed forwards a few months, to after Christmas break. Percy was unpacking in his dorm a young man walked in. "Hello, I am Grover."  Percy couldn't believe it, the boy from his bull dream was right in front of him.

"Hello, I am Percy." He greeted the young boy on crutches. "You can't be him though." Percy whispered, "He didn't have crutches." 

"Percy that was rude!" Zeus and Dionysus yelled.

A/N: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. New Update!!! I hpe you guys enjoyed, comment any headcanons, I can try with fanfictions but I'd have to ask the authors of the stories you guys are requesting first. 

On another topic: What did you ask for Christmas? And, what do you celebrate, Christmas, Hanukkah, Yuletide, Solstice, or something else I didn't list?

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