20 | Blondes & Latina Heats

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She blushed and bent down, and my head just rolled back when she began kissing my neck. She made this feel incredible. "Flo... God- I-" I whimpered deeply a little. "I didn't wear you out enough?"

"I just wanna love you, you love me really good." She said cutely.

"You don't need to, Flo. I find pleasure in you." I said.

"I know. But I genuinely like doing this, Rhea." She kept kissing my neck. "Please let me."

Of course I was going to. I just liked to tease her a little bit. "Depends how much you beg me."

"Please." She moaned in my neck. "Can I tie you in the ropes and-"

I softly pulled her hair back to look at her. "Definitely not, Flo." I let her hair go, thinking it out of my fingers. "Your hair is growing so long, baby."

She grabbed it and looked. "Do I have dead ends?"

"No, Flo. It's really thick too." I softly tucked it behind her ear.

"I think someone's jealous of my hair..." she said proudly and cutely.

"Blonde isn't my thing." I gave her a look.

"Um." She started. "It definitely is. Who did you marry and fall madly in love with. It wasn't a brunette, for one." She said cheekily.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright, I like blondes."

"Plural? Blondes?" She looked at me this time.

"I like one blonde." I corrected myself, and rubbed down her thigh, back down her calf lovingly. I loved how jealous she got over me. "The one I just fucked."

Flos eyes smiled with her. She touched my hair, threading her fingers through it. "You know you haven't even let me see your Wrestlemania gear yet." She pouted.

"You'll survive won't you? It's a few days." I squeezed her hips. Loving her body too much right now. Her skin was flushed and smooth. Her breasts were right here and god- she was so sexy.

She pouted more. "Can I have a hint?"

"You'll like it." Is all I said.

She huffed. "Can I have input with it?"

"Depends what." I raised my brow intrigued.

She tugged on my hair a little. "Get hair extensions for the weekend. It'll be fun."

"Extensions?" I questioned.

"Yeah why not."

"But why in the first place?"

Flo shrugged. "For me? I wanna see you with long her."

For her. Always. "I'll sort it out, Flo. You just worry about announcing, alright?"

"Not worried." She said confidently. "I'm excited."

"I know." I nodded, and finally we made our way back outside, and eventually home.


"It's getting late, Rosa. You should go now." I said as nicely as I could. She tilted her head at me nearby, sitting on the edge of my bed like she always does. I spoke again before she could. "This is the last night I'll be here, Hermosa." I whispered. "Then I'll be with you properly."

"Exactly. The last night. That's why I should stay." She countered.

She'd spend the last couple nights here with me, sleeping right beside me. I could tell she wasn't getting a good enough sleep though. She kept tilting her sore neck and wiping her eyes more throughout the day.

And Still S2 | Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio | Spicy and PossessiveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz