Chapter Fourteen: If It Isn't Love

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The anticipation of meeting Marco weighed heavily on me as I arrived at the Arizona airport. Olivia and Felipe's warm welcome was a comfort, but the absence of Marco was noticeable. A part of me had hoped for his presence, a silent wish for a sign about where my heart truly lay.

As they escorted me to a hotel, I prepared myself for the impending meeting with Marco. It was about business, I reminded myself, trying to keep my burgeoning personal emotions at bay.

Sitting in the hotel bar, the sight of Marco walking through the door sent a flurry of emotions through me. He appeared healthier, more composed than our last encounter, which brought a sense of relief. Our hug was a mix of familiarity and restraint, a silent acknowledgment of our complex history.

"How's everything been?" I ventured, as we settled into our seats.

"It's good," he replied. The familiar gesture of him biting his lip caught my attention, but I pushed the thought aside.

"So, tell me why you finally decided to return a call after so long," Marco inquired, his tone light but probing.

I took a deep breath. "I am organizing something huge, and I want you to be a part of it," I explained.

His response surprised me. "I heard about the new order with Reyes. Initially, I thought it was a joke, but knowing you're involved made me reconsider."

"Really?" I asked, both surprised and relieved.

Marco nodded, a hint of respect in his tone. "I've learned not to bet against you. I'm willing to hear you out."

His openness was more than I had expected. "That was easier than I thought," I admitted, a small smile playing on my lips.

Marco then addressed the rumors about Reyes and me. "Only because you asked. If you had sent your boyfriend here it would have been a no. " he said candidly. "But he's not my boyfriend," I clarified quickly, feeling a need to set the record straight.

Marco's reaction was a blend of seriousness and a teasing smile. "I'm not mad. I know I messed up. Right now, let's focus on business."

His attitude, professional yet tinged with an undercurrent of personal acknowledgment, set the tone for our conversation. I unfolded the plan for him, detailing the vision of "The Order" and how his involvement could shape this ambitious project.

As we delved into the details, I couldn't help but feel a certain ease in our interaction. It was a reminder of how well we worked together, of the potential that still existed between us. But for now, business took precedence, and whatever personal feelings lingered were pushed to the background, waiting for a moment when they could no longer be ignored.


Sitting across from Bella, every aspect of the plan we were crafting felt like a test of my resolve. In the past six months, I had been working diligently on myself, attending therapy sessions to cope with my grief and the emotional turmoil that had engulfed me since my father's death. Yet, one area remained unresolved - my feelings for Bella and my tendency to sabotage what we had.

Today, as I engaged with Bella on a strictly professional level, the challenge was to maintain that boundary. But her presence, the familiarity and the memories it stirred, made it an arduous task.

Recently, I had started seeing someone else, an attempt to experience a semblance of normalcy in my personal life. But even that relationship was proving difficult, especially when it came to showing affection, something I struggled with.

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