Chapter Twelve: Never Let You Go

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As the morning sun filtered through the window, its warm light stirred me from the deepest sleep I'd had in days. The reason for this tranquility lay beside me, her presence a balm to the chaos that had become my life. Watching Bella sleep, I felt a sense of peace that had been foreign to me since my father's death.

When she opened her eyes, meeting my gaze, there was no need to look away. In that moment, we were just two people, unburdened by the weight of our families and the world outside. Her smile, gentle and genuine, was a reminder of the connection we shared.

Pulling her close, I kissed her, a silent expression of all the emotions that words couldn't capture. But her next words pierced the momentary bubble of happiness. "I'm going back to Italy tonight," she said, her voice tinged with sadness.

Refusing to let the moment slip away, I lifted her chin, drawing her lips back to mine. This wasn't just a farewell; it was a reaffirmation of what we meant to each other. As she responded to my kiss, pulling me on top of her, I asked, "Are you sure?"

Her reply was as heartfelt as it was certain. "You are the only thing I am sure of." The sincerity in her words, the absence of fear or hesitation, was the salve my heart needed.

In her embrace, I found the strength and assurance that had eluded me for so long. "I will never let you go," she whispered, her voice a mix of promise and surrender.

As we gave in to the moment, it was more than physical intimacy; it was a mutual healing, a sharing of burdens and pains, fears and hopes. In each other's arms, we found a sanctuary, a brief escape from the responsibilities and dangers that awaited us beyond these walls.

Bella's imminent departure was a stark reminder of the complexities of our lives. Yet, in that morning's embrace, we found a strength and clarity that only true love could foster. It was a poignant realization that, regardless of the distance or challenges, our bond was unbreakable, a constant in a world of uncertainty. Bella may have been returning to Italy, but she was leaving a part of herself with me, just as I was with her. Our story was far from over; it was evolving, growing stronger with every obstacle we faced, together or apart.

The tranquility of the afternoon was abruptly shattered when I realized Bella had only a few hours left before her flight. Her soft kiss lingered as she headed to the shower, unaware of the storm that was about to break.

My phone rang just as she disappeared into the bathroom. Marc's name flashed on the screen, and his news hit me like a punch to the gut. "We found Keta, she's about an hour away."

The weight of the past 24 hours, the brief respite I had found in Bella's presence, suddenly felt like a distant memory. I wrestled with my thoughts for a moment before responding, "Drop the location. See you in an hour."

As I began to dress, Bella's voice drifted from the shower, filled with questions. I couldn't bring myself to answer. When she emerged, wrapped in a towel, the concern in her eyes was palpable. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"We found Keta," I replied, the words tasting bitter.

Her annoyance mirrored mine. "I'm coming too," she said firmly, without a hint of fear.

"No. This is something I need to handle alone. You need to stay out of this," I insisted, the old protective instinct flaring up.

But Bella was unyielding. "She took your father from you, and my grandfather from me. We should do this together. Show our unity."

Her words, though rational, couldn't penetrate the darkness that had settled over me. "There is no us," I said, meeting her gaze, hoping to convey the severity of the situation.

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