Chapter Two: Growing Pains

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Seven Years Later


Returning home last night felt surreal, a brief respite from the life I've been thrust into. Just hours before, I was in Ecuador, carrying out another of my grandfather's orders – eliminating a rival boss. He claimed it was business, but the undertones of a personal vendetta were unmistakable. I've learned better than to question him; I just execute his commands, no more, no less.

As usual, my day was a blend of routine tasks and advanced studies. I've learned so much over the years that I could probably breeze through college in a year, but my Nonno has made it clear that's not in the cards for me. The world I inhabit is changing – new alliances are being formed across national lines, much to my grandfather's chagrin.

"Can you believe the Puerto Ricans want to marry into the Mexican house? This is going to be Catastrofico," he grumbled at breakfast. I sat quietly, eating my food as he ranted about the latest developments among rival families. His disdain for arranged marriages is clear, yet he's not above using them for his own ends.

"By the way, I'm flying you back to the U.S. tomorrow, Principessa," he announced abruptly.

I nearly choked on my orange juice. "Really, why?" I asked, trying to hide my surprise.

"Well, with houses combining, your sister has a duty to us as well," he replied casually.

I felt a knot form in my stomach. "Are you marrying her off to someone?" The thought made my blood run cold.

He nodded, a matter-of-fact look on his face. "I am. There's a bitter war with the Cartel and I, and a marriage to his nephew should bring peace. Your sister seems excited; they've been getting to know each other for months. Surprised you haven't talked about it."

I was taken aback. "We've talked, she just... never mentioned it," I managed to say, feeling a mix of betrayal and concern.

"And while you're there," he continued, "I have a deal with the Mexican Cartel boss. You'll be taking my place to handle it."

I nodded, hiding my relief at the prospect of a break from the warehouse and missions.

Returning to my room to pack, I felt a rush of excitement at the change of pace, tempered by the knowledge that even this trip was just another part of my grandfather's schemes. As I zipped up my suitcase, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead in this intricate web of family, duty, and power.

Stepping off the plane, the transformation in my sister was immediate and striking. Her figure, now matured, was accentuated by makeup applied with a professional touch. She radiated a confidence I hadn't seen before. As she ran up to hug me, her exuberance was as bright as the short skirt she wore.

"It's about time," she exclaimed, pulling back to look at me. "I've been waiting here for an hour!"

I couldn't help but smile. "Wow. You look amazing," I replied, genuinely impressed.

She grinned, ushering me towards her Camaro, her pride and joy. The drive was a wild rush, her enthusiasm for speed unbridled. As we raced through the streets, the conversation turned to her upcoming marriage.

"So, I know granddad told you about me getting married. Don't be mad," she said, her eyes fixed on the road.

I gazed out the window, feeling a mix of emotions. "Why would I be mad? You could have mentioned you had a boyfriend, though," I replied, trying to keep my tone light.

She sighed, her hands caressing the steering wheel. "I didn't think it was really happening until you showed up. Granddad's been so supportive since it started."

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