Chapter Six: Fools Rush In

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The change in the frequency of Marco's calls left me feeling unsettled. I couldn't help but wonder if I had done something to push him away. While he still answered my calls, the conversations were shorter, less frequent. The distance, it seemed, was taking its toll on us. My mind constantly circled back to him, especially in moments of quiet, like now at the dinner table, where I found myself lost in thought instead of engaging with my family.

My father's frustration about some family logistics barely registered as I stared at my phone, longing for a call that didn't come. It was Olivia's voice that pulled me back to the moment. "Why can't they come to New York?" my father was saying.

Olivia's response was immediate and, to my surprise, involved me. "His mom and aunt want to show us around Arizona, then Mexico. Come on, Dad, I'm marrying into their family. I should see what I'm getting into. Bella will come with me and keep me safe."

I was caught off guard as she gripped my arm, signaling our apparent unity in this plan. "Fine," my father relented, his willingness to accommodate Olivia's wishes contrasting sharply with his usual demeanor towards me.

We hurried upstairs, and I finally asked her, "Why did you volunteer me to go to Arizona?"

"Because Marco is there," she said, her smile knowing.

"What does he have to do with anything?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"Don't play dumb. I think it's great," she said before walking away.

Left alone with my thoughts, I couldn't help but worry that perhaps Marco had rekindled something with Keta. The idea pained me more than I cared to admit. The uncertainty of where we stood and what his silence meant was a constant nagging worry. As much as I tried to focus on the positives – the upcoming trip to Arizona, being with my sister – the fear that I might be losing Marco to someone from his past overshadowed everything else.

The warmth in Phoenix did little to ease the chill of uncertainty I felt as we landed. Felipe had arranged for a car to pick us up, and despite my attempts to reach Marco, he remained unresponsive. The silence was unlike him, and it left me with a knot of anxiety.

At the hotel, we were greeted by Felipe's mother, Angela, and Marco's mother, Sonnette. Their embrace was welcoming, enveloping Olivia like a long-lost family member. I was introduced as Olivia's sister, and their hugs were equally warm, though their primary focus was understandably on the bride-to-be.

As Angela and Olivia engaged in animated conversation, Sonnette turned to me with a knowing smile. "The woman who has my son's heart," she said, her eyes twinkling.

Her words took me by surprise. "I'm not sure about that," I confessed. "I can't even get him to return a call."

Sonnette's smile didn't falter. "He's hardheaded, but when he first met you, he called me. The excitement in his voice was unmistakable." She paused, adding a touch of drama to her words. "He told me you're the one."

She then rejoined the conversation with Angela and Olivia, leaving me to process what she had said. Her words were a balm to my troubled thoughts, suggesting that my fears about Marco and Keta might be unfounded. The idea that Marco had spoken so openly about me to his mother, that he had shown a side of excitement and vulnerability, gave me a renewed sense of hope.

As dinner progressed, I found myself lost in thought, reflecting on Sonnette's revelation. It painted a picture of Marco that I hadn't seen, one that was open and eager, a stark contrast to the distant demeanor he had displayed recently. The possibility that I could be 'the one' for him, as his mother put it, filled me with a mixture of joy and apprehension. What did this mean for us, for our future? The questions swirled in my mind, but for the first time in days, they were tinged with a sense of optimism.

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