Chapter Seven: I Declare War

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Waking up to find Bella sleeping peacefully on my chest was a profound moment for me. There was an undeniable feeling that this was exactly where I belonged. Our connection had deepened over time, and significantly, it was built on more than just physical attraction. We had shared our thoughts, dreams, and fears, creating a bond that felt uniquely genuine.

Bella's determination to leave the Italian family was something I both admired and feared. The reality of our world is that one does not simply walk away from such a life without significant repercussions. Her role in her family was crucial, and leaving it behind would undoubtedly come with a heavy price.

Needing to clear my head, I stepped outside, pulling on my jacket as I walked to my car. It was then that I decided to call my father, to confess the turmoil that was weighing on my heart.

"Where are you?" he asked right away.

"With Bella," I replied, bracing myself for his reaction.

He let out a long sigh, a prelude to his reminder. "We talked about this. You are going to marry Keta..."

"I know, but I want her, Dad. I think I love her," I admitted, my voice carrying a mix of certainty and apprehension.

There was a moment of hesitation on his end. "You do realize this will start a war. I'm giving you the reins to an empire, and this is your first act? Love?"

In response, I echoed the words he had once said to his own father when he chose to marry my mother. "La quiero como mi reina," I said firmly.

After a pause, he finally conceded. "Okay. I hope this is what she truly wants."

Hanging up the phone, I felt a mixture of relief and apprehension. My father's acceptance was vital, but it also underscored the gravity of my choice. This wasn't just a personal decision; it was a move that would have far-reaching implications. As I stood there, the early morning light creeping over the horizon, I knew one thing for sure: my path was now irrevocably intertwined with Bella's, for better or for worse.

After ending the call with my father, the weight of the decision I had just made was heavy on my mind. I knew what had to be done next. Picking up my phone again, I sent a message to Keta. My fingers hesitated for a moment over the screen, knowing the impact of the words I was about to send.

"I can't go through with it. I'm sorry," I typed and hit send.

It was a simple message, but one that marked a significant turning point. The ramifications of this text would be far-reaching, affecting not just me but our families and their plans. The decision to choose Bella over the arranged marriage with Keta was not one I took lightly, but it was driven by a truth in my heart that I could no longer ignore.

Putting my phone away, I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of apprehension and resolve. As I turned to go back to Bella, I knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges. But for the first time, I felt a sense of clarity about what I truly wanted. I was ready to face whatever consequences came our way, as long as I had Bella by my side. The next steps would be difficult, but with her, I felt a strength and certainty that gave me hope.


The silence in the room felt heavier as I realized Marco was gone. The plans and dreams we had discussed the night before were still vivid in my mind, but so were my fears about the consequences of our decisions. My heart sank a little as I picked up my phone, noticing a missed call from my grandfather. 

"Nonno," I greeted him, my voice a mix of apprehension and relief.

"Principessa," he replied, his tone laced with a rare hint of excitement. As our conversation continued, it was clear he sensed something significant was on my mind.

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