"Honestly, babe, I don't know what I think. It's just so different than last time and I know every pregnancy is different but it's so different. I'm exhausted though."

"I know, I think you should take a nap when we get home."

"By the time we get home, it'll be time to start her night routine and by the time she's asleep, I can go to sleep for the night, not take a nap," I tell him, laughing.

He shrugs. "You're right."


I look over to Willa who is signing 'more' as well as telling me in the cutest voice.

"What about Cheerios?" I ask, showing her.


I narrow my eyes at her before grabbing something else. "Puffs?"


I sigh, trying again. "Bar?"

"Bar," she repeats, reaching forward.

I unwrap the fruit bar, handing it over.

"This girl knows what she wants, that's for sure," Joe chuckles.

"She is our daughter."

He laughs, nodding. "Touché, my love."

Finishing our hike in a majority of silence, Joe and I do our best to ignore the cameras that we find here and there, hoping for their sake that they're not photographing Willa's face. Even so, it's hard to photograph us without photographing her. But as long as her face is blurred and unrecognizable, I'll be okay with the photos.

Arriving home Joe starts preparing dinner as I sit in the living room with Willa, letting her color on a blank piece of paper before bringing out the manipulatives and letting her play around and try to figure them out.


"Yes, my love," I respond.


"Bluey?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.


I sigh, grabbing the TV remote and turning on Sesame Street for her before going to the kitchen. "Mm," I hum, wrapping my arms around Joe's torso from behind as he stands at the stove.

"Hello there," he says lowly.

"Hi handsome," I respond, leaving a kiss on his back. "Whatcha making?"

"Pasta," he grins. "I figured it's something both of you will actually eat."

"Red sauce?"

"White," he says. "But if you'd rather have red I can make some. I just figured it'll be less messy for Willa."

"No, white is fine," I tell him, laying my head on his back.

"You okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, I just need me some Joe time."

"Oh, yeah?" he asks.


He chuckles. "Well, after Willa is in bed I am one hundred percent yours, how does that sound?"


"Good," he says.

"Mama," Willa says from the living room.

"Willa!" I reply, leaving Joe and walking back to her, seeing her with her unicorn tucked under her arm. "What's up baby?"

"Eat," she says, signing the word as well.

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