Tired x Energetic

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Headcanon: Luna is always up until like 4 because she helps write new things for the Quibbler almost every night but they mostly get rejected.

Sooo Luna's the tired one lol


Ginny had her first game of Quidditch of the season, and Luna was commentating - as by Dumbledore's demand.

He saw her as a good fit for the position.

The first game was Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff and Luna wasn't going to miss this for the world, she didn't care that she had to commentate, she didn't mind if she didn't get enough sleep, she just wanted to be there for Ginny's first game as captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

As she was getting ready, Ginny came up to her.

"Hey Lu, you okay? It doesn't look like you got enough sleep again," Ginny was concerned for her, she hadn't been sleeping enough.

"Oh hey, yeah I didn't get enough, but that's not gonna stop me from coming!" She practically lit up at the sight of her girlfriend.

"As long as you're sure. I love you, I'll see you at the game!" She walked off.

"Love you too!" Luna then went back to getting out her lion head from her closet (and Ginny lol) and finished getting ready.

When she got to the stands, she was early - she had to be, she needed to get everything ready for the commentary - and went to where she was going to be sitting.

About 15 minutes before the game started, everyone had filed into the stands and were all chatting behind her. Professor McGonagall sat in the seat beside Luna, she then said, "A bird named Ginny told me you might fall asleep during the game, I'll comment if you get too tired." (I LOVE MCGONAGALL SMMM) 

"Thank you Professor, but I'll be okay." was all McGonagall got in return.

When the game began, it was slow, with comments like, "___ currently has the bludger," until Ginny took control of the game.

"Ginny has the quaffle and is DOMINATING the game!"

"Oh my gosh she's not letting the Hufflepuffs have it!"

"She's gonna win the whole game for us!"

And other comments like that came from various positions in the stadium.

But the comments from Luna, came more like, "THAT'S MY GIRLLLL! THAT'S MY GINNY!" until McGonagall took the microphone from her, and took over the commentary - they can't have biased commentary, now can they?

This didn't stop Luna, she was still shouting her excitement.

After the game had ended - Gryffindor had, in fact, won - Luna ran to find Ginny before doing anything else.

After she got there, she was so tired that Ginny ended up carrying her back to her dorm and they fell asleep before they went out for dinner.


I love them so much.


Word Count: 451

I've only got 6 more, any ideas?

Lmk if you've got any please, I have no ideas :')


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