3 - The Cake

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⚠️ Slight Swearing ⚠️
You have been warned.

Ginny P.O.V.:

*Dammit! I still need to pick up the cake for her birthday! Her birthday is tomorrow!*

Silently panicking, I walked into the kitchen, to my utter surprise, Luna was standing there, cooking some bacon and eggs for breakfast.

"Love? I thought you left already! Well this is a pleasant surprise!" I said, placing a kiss on her cheek.

She kissed me back, then went back to her cooking. As she cooked, I looked at her and wondered how this is the same day-dreaming woman I fell in love with all those years ago.

As she finished up and plated everything for us, we went to sit down at the table. I asked her, "So, what have you got planned today? Anything special?"

"Yeah actually, I'm going out with my dad today, we're going to that café that opened up near his new house and catching up since I haven't seen him in a while. What do you have planned if anything?" She rambled, placing her fork and knife down on her plate as she finished up.

"Yeah I've got some grocery shopping to do, gotta clean the house and I have to pick up an order I made a few weeks ago. So a pretty packed day, but so is yours! But I'm so happy you're seeing your dad again!" I said, smiling, as I also finished and offered to take her plate to the bench, to which she responded by kissing me on the cheek and stacking her plate on mine.

"Sounds jam-packed, well I better get ready to go, did you wanna come help me pick my outfit?" She inquired, raising an eyebrow when I faced having to think about it.

"Hm, only if you pick mine!" I challenged, winking at her.

"Oh yay! I love picking your outfits!" She said, literally jumping for joy as we make our way up to our bedroom.

---- After picking out the outfits and getting changed ----

"You look so adorable!" I said to her when she was changed, "Do I look ready to clean?"

Jokingly, she said, "Oh hun you're not cleaning in that, you're farrrr too pretty." Winking at me cutely.

"Oh nooo how ever will I live when I am not allowed to clean?" I say, playfully sarcastic.

"Oh well I guess you'll have to do something else all day," She states, shrugging, "Didn't you have something else on the check list?"

"Yup! An order, and groceries. Then I guess I'm done because I can't clean in this!" I said, mocking her previous statement.

---- After they kiss each other goodbye and leave ----

*Alright, so I'll get the clean up done first and then I'll do groceries and cake.*

As I began cleaning, I unconsciously started singing Luna's favourite song, when I finally realized, I smiled to myself, and kept singing.

After I'd cleaned the house it was nearing 3pm, so I went out to get the groceries and pick up the cake.

When I got into the car, and drove to the supermarket, I got the sudden urge to buy her a picnic basket for her birthday, so I did that and THEN got the groceries.

On the drive back, I stopped at the cake decorators house and picked it up, by the time I'd gotten home it was fabout 4:30 so I started on dinner, making sure to put the cake away before she got home.

As Luna walked into the house she smelled the deviled sausages I was making, which I know for a fact is one of her favourite dishes, EVER.

At dinner, I asked her how her day went, and as she told me about it, we both ate peacefully.

---- After dinner, and closer to when they both head to bed ----

As we both fell asleep, I laughed a little, and when she questioned me on it the next day, I told her about my wild chase of the cake, and how much fun it ended up being.

○●○ The End ○●○

That kind of didn't make sense, but I found it quite fun to write.

Total words: 691

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