Big Family x Only Child

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I want y'all to just know that while I was writing out the bloody page with alllllll the tropes n shi I planned all of these out so I can easily just write these and set them to post at different times lmao

So idk, maybe?

Might just do that

I'll dedicate like 6 hours or smth to just writing the- (checks notes) 9 more I have to write after this chp

Tomorrow though, because,
T E C H N I C A L L Y,
I'm meant to be asleep/in bed, but eh, who needs sleep when you can write cute bullshit right?

That's my philosophy now lmao

Also they're both 17 here


Ginny invited Luna to her house for a family dinner.

(Because yeah, obviously, that's the best way to tell your parents you're gay and 'Hey this is my gf, you can't say anything bad bc she's here and I'll kill you all if you make her cry')

Luna knew her lover had a big family, but didn't expect THAT many people.

Luna is a very anxious baby, and many people scare her.

But too bad, because it's a family dinner now.


On their way to The Burrow, Ginny was driving and coaching Luna on what NOT to bring up, "So, remember, no politics, no muggle things because Dad'll go on a rant about how Ron crashed the flying car and blah blah blah, and definitely no p-e-r-c-y talk okay? He's not invited either."

"Okay, I got it." She was very anxious to meet her girlfriend's family, but was handling well.

---- When they got there ----

They walked up to the door, and before either of them could knock, Fred and George answered the door because, "Mum's busy frantically cleaning the cupboards" - "Like anyone's gonna be searching through them." From the twins.

"Oooo~ Young lady, who's the girl?" Fred did the eyebrow thing (you know the one) and George followed up with, "Is she? OH WAIT is this that girl you've been talking about constantly for," Counting, "8 months?" And Ginny went very red in the face.

After a moment there was a small, "Yeah.." and a surprised look from Luna, and she said, "We've only been dating for 3 months, why-" and then she also went quite red when the realization of what that meant kicked in.

Fred and George looked at each other and unanimously said, "I'll drag this one inside, they're both broken," and burst into laughter until Bill told them to get the girls inside.

"Fine." And the girls went inside with a small amount of prodding from the twins to Ginny - not Luna because they don't know her well enough - and Ginny got Luna to come back to Earth.

After they'd gotten inside, Ginny was immediately bombarded with questions about Luna, which she always used the same answer for.

"Wait till dinner, then ask me whatever. I want to see the look on Mum and Dad's faces."

At dinner, they'd all sat down, and once again they were hit with questions from everyone, and every angle.

"Are you dating?"

"How long have you been together?"

"Have you kissed?"

"Have you been taking care of her? She looks so fragile!"

She answered all of the questions in one sentence.

"Yes Ron. Bill, we hit the 3 month mark on Tuesday. I'm not answering that Fred-" She was interrupted by Luna kissing her on the cheek, which the smaller girl said "Does that count?" Which got many aww's and oooo's from around the table.

A slightly flustered Ginny continued answering the questions, "And yes Mum, I've been taking care of her. She's not as fragile as you think though, she's quite strong for such a cutie."

This comment earned a flustered Luna.

After a few hours of chatting around the table they moved to the lounge, and around 10pm Luna nudged Ginny, "Babe I'm getting tired.."

"Oh okay love, I'll ask Mum if she has a spare room made up, or you can sleep in mine? I'll wake you up when we're leaving okay?" She said, turning to face Luna, making sure to give her her full attention.

"Can I nap in your room please?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Of course love, I'll show you where it is," She got up and walked over to her Mum, "Mum is my room made up? Luna's tired and I told her she could sleep in there if she wanted because I knew you wouldn't let us leave yet." Molly laughed at the comment, and confirmed that, yes, the room was ready.

Ginny showed her sleepy girl to the room and almost the second she fell onto the bed she was asleep, Ginny stayed for a moment, then left Luna to sleep.

After 3 more hours, Ginny went into the room, and when she couldn't wake Luna, picked her up and carried her to the car. Once again, earning a few "aww"s from around the room.

On the car ride home, Luna woke up just enough to say, "I like how big your family is. It's fun, it's a lot, but it's fun. You're my favourite Weasley though.." and drifted back to sleep.


Bit longer, but oh well.

Word count: 883

I like this one :)

Do you? Lemme knowwww!


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