Character Tropes/Ship Dynamics

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This is mainly just where I'll list the dynamics I'm gonna (try to) use-

Tell me if there's any I missed that y'all want?


- Little ray of sunshine x Must protect them at all costs (will probably do each character as both)

- Big family x Only child

- Big flirt x Oblivious (Maybe-)

- Looks intimidating but is a sweetie x Looks adorable but can (and will) stab you if you mess with  either of them

- Tired x Energetic

- Always angry x Stupidly calm (99.999% of the time, so don't fuck with them. I'm serious. They'll kill you and your family in one movement.)

- Dumbass x The dumbass in progress (the only braincell)

- Terrified x Will kill the spider

- "Aren't dating"

-  Famous x Their biggest fan

- Serious x Head in the clouds


Any others?

These chapters will PROBABLY be quite short, don't expect more than 1000 words lol


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