11 - Teacher's Office

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They're in their 5th year now, both at hogwarts and taking their classes.


3rd person POV:

Ginny and Luna had Potions together and got bored, they were just doing theory that day and weren't actually brewing anything.

Ginny finally learnt how to make a paper airplane and starting making them constantly, occasionally leaving Luna cute little notes in them.

When she did this, she'd usually have a bit of paper glued to the outside giving her a warning to open it for a message.

So during that boring Potions class, Ginny wrote out, folded, and flew the plane to Luna.

She caught it, opened it, wrote back and right back it flew.

This went on for about half an hour before Snape finally got sick of it - along with half of the class.

"Miss Lovegood. Miss Weasley. You two will have detention with Professor McGonagall after class." He spoke, dragging out each word - just like usual - as he watched their moods drop.

---- After class ----

They walked to Professor McGonagall's office and knocked on the door. After a few moments, it swung open.

McGonagall sat at her desk, looking quite bored, "Hello girls, who sent you?" She asked, seeming to not know.

"Professor Snape did, we were passing notes in class," Ginny explains, "And apparently he got sick of us throwing planes." She laughs at this lady part, and then stops as she sees McGonagall's expression.

McGonagall had a tear in her eye as she tried not to laugh, "Is that the only reason he sent you both here?" Seeming slightly annoyed when the young girls both nodded.

"And to think, I missed chess with Albus for something so small.." She mutters under her breath, "Well, I'm not going to tell either of you off. Only because I think it's kind of funny that you had the option to make the reason worth my time and didn't. You could've enchanted the plane to make it seem alive and whack him in the head with it, but no. Just notes.." She ends, grumbling.

Ginny and Luna both look at each other in slight disappointment, and in unison say, "Why didn't we think of that?" Laughing it off.

"Well anyway, do you girls want a biscuit? I'll just keep you here for another 10 minutes and send you on your way, take this," She hands both of them a note saying, 'This student has been scolded by Professor McGonagall, there is no reason to scold them further, they have already had enough today. Signed, McGonagall.' And grinned, "These are pre-written for students who've done either nothing or almost nothing. They fool Snape every time."

Ginny and Luna grin to each other and accept a biscuit from McGonagall.

Later, they leave her office with their notes in hand and a fake look of dejection clouding their faces.

When called out by Filch for not being at dinner, they showed him the note and were on their way.



I say yall as if I've got more than 3 people reading this- oh well.

Would you wanna see a new book? I've got a few ideas and I'll put em on a page if you wanna see? But be warned I've got a fair few-

Word count: 548

It's sorta shorter than usual- sorry about that.

Love you BYEEEE <3

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