10 - The Great Hall

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Idea from @brianmayfr (P.S. thanks a heap for all the ideas + requests because it gives me something to do in my free time :D)

Set in their 6th year - if anyone needs clarification or doesn't know what year that was, it was Saint Pottah's 7th year, the year he wasn't at school because if the horcruxes - and they don't quite know each other but Ginny keeps seeing Luna around school and notices how easily she gets flustered and thinks it's cute.


Luna's P.O.V.: 

"I keep seeing that redhead around school, and the weird part is that 9 times out of 10 she's staring at me.." I trail off, whilst talking to one of my friends.

"I think you just think she is, but she probably isn't actually." My friend shuts me down, clearly skeptical.

"Oh.. Yeah you're probably right.." I say sadly.

"Oh, Luna," We then heard the bell ring, "Crap- I gotta get to class bye!" She calls, already running off to avoid any more conversation with me.

---- At the Great Hall that evening ----

I walk in the hall by myself as I came in a little late.

Before I sit down at my table, that same redhead - who I've now confirmed, from being in the same class as her, is named Ginny Weasley - walks past me and grabs my hand quickly to stop me from moving any further.

It works just as she planned since I stop in my tracks and turn to face her, she leans in and whispers something in my ear.

After that, she goes to her table and pretends nothing ever happened. Whilst I'm standing relatively far from my house table - bright red - looking like an idiot. After a minute of me standing there, everyone starts to stare and mutter, and eventually, Professor McGonagall (hey it's MINNIEEEE) has to walk up beside me and gently pull me aside.

She has a short conversation with me and I walk back to my table with my head down, trying not to be noticed as I'm hyper-aware of everyone muttering, snickering, and whispering about what happened as I sit down and die of embarrassment.

---- Later at her dorm ----

'What the hell did she mean by that?' I think as I lay on my bed, thinking about the events of that day.

'Whatever it meant, it doesn't matter. She doesn't even know who I am so why would it matter? She probably is just trying to get under my skin.' I swear on that as I try my hardest to get to sleep, 'I've got classes tomorrow' I remind myself.

---- The next day ----

I look at my schedule, forgetting that because it's the middle of the year, and midterms are coming, the school gives us study periods.

I'm on my way to the library when Ginny - the girl from the day before - pops up behind me and grabs me, pulling me into an empty classroom.

"I need you to show me that spell. Please," She asks, seeming upset, "I need to figure out how to reverse it, this random guy named Harry or something keeps trying to make a move on me even though I'm a lesbian.."

I just stand there, shocked, "You're a lesbian?" I ask, having to make sure I heard correctly.

"Yeah? I thought you knew that already seeing as- whatever," She stops herself, "Yeah I'm a lesbian, what about you?" She questions.

"I'm pan," I say, "Don't do it. I know you want to but please don't-"

I get cut off by her hurriedly saying, "Oh my gosh you like pans??" And then laughing.

Conversations like that continued for months until one day, she sat next to me during class.

She passed me a note saying, 'Meet me by the Whomping Willow at sunrise tomorrow, I've got something to show you.'

So all day, all night, and all the way into the morning of the next day I wondered what she wanted to show me.

As I walked - cautiously, because we were still meant to be asleep - down to the tree she said to meet at, I still wondered.

When I got there, I immediately knew what she wanted to show me, or more likely, ask me.

I walked down to the checkered picnic blanket she'd set up, and sat down.

She looked up and said, "Hey Lu! I didn't know if you'd be here or not, so I brought that book you gave me!" She grinned. That's adorable, I thought, smiling as she showed me.

"So um, do you wanna sit?" Ginny asks, clearly awkward.

"Oh right, sorry," I say, laughing as I sit down on the picnic blanket, "What did you want to show me?"

"Well first, I need to ask you a question,"  She says, her face serious, "Were you the one that put the love notes in my cauldron in Potions last week?"

The surprise must have shown on my face because she laughs at it.

"Kidding kidding, I have an actual question though." She grins, leaning in towards me.

The sudden closeness makes me blush a little, and she definitely notices.

"What's the question?" I ask, suddenly curious.

"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" She leaves the question hanging in the air...

"What..?" Was all I could manage out before she leans in and gently puts her lips on mine.

We stay like that for a while before she breaks it.

I can't speak, move or do anything.

"..Did I break you?" She says, causing me to just burst out laughing instead.

"No I don't think so," I say, "I am confused though." I answer, a wave if confusion washing over me.

She looks at me and grins, "Confused about?" And expects an immediate answer.

"Is that why you wanted me here?" I ask, still very confused.

"No, I just wanted to test something." She laughs at my confusion.

"Oh.. Well what did you get me here for?" The same confusion making a larger wave crash down.

Quickly, she puts a blindfold on me, "Don't move, and don't take it off. I'll be back!" She runs off to go get something.

After about a minute, she's back, "Okay, now you can take it off."

I carefully untie the blindfold and take it away, revealing Ginny on one knee, a small bundle of roses in one hand and her other holding mine.

"Luna Lovegood, will you make me the happiest girl in Hogwarts and be my girlfriend?" She asks, emotional.

My eyes tear up as my legs buckle, I lean over and hug her. "Yes! Yes yes yes I'll be your girlfriend!" I say, near crying out of joy.

We hug for what seems like ages, really it was only a few minutes but to us it seemed like an eternity.

We walked back to the castle, hand in hand. We got back in time to get back into our dorms before anyone noticed we were gone.

I fell asleep that night, knowing that I am now dating the love of my life.

○●○ The End ○●○

Wanna know what she whispered?

"Did you test a new spell on me? It's the strangest thing, whenever I look at you everyone else just disappears."

Luna is very prone to dying of blushing. Headcanon.

Anyways, word count: 1206 words total.

Thank youuu <33

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