chapter 6

6 1 0

Saturn Returns Interlude - Ariana Grande


I trudge through the halls in pursuit of my locker, a new set of spare clothes and yesterday's backup notes in hand. After Mami's lecture last night surrounding the obligations of being an adult, I had taken the time to complete and organize a few outstanding assignments from the growing pile of work that awaits me every night.

I'm not usually behind on schoolwork, but it goes without saying what my reason for getting distracted was. Immediately after Mami's long-winded explanation, I had completed two online math assignments, spending an embarrassing amount of time on a total of twelve questions. Luckily, I'm ahead in my own English class, so I'd dedicated half an hour last night working on the paper I owed Dia for assisting me in Operation: Trap the Douche.

Playing catch-up took a good chunk of sleep out of my already short night. Against my (sorta) will, I had practically collapsed while stuffing my books in my bag. That was around three in the morning.

I have to be up at six for school. When my phone blared the alarm, I was still gripping my book-bag's handle in my fist, body more off the bed than on it.

Currently, the three hours of sleep I received is enough to fool myself into thinking I'm well rested. The crash that I just know will be waiting for me after lunch is a problem for later Kara. Though I'm only anticipating its severity from lack of sleep alone.

I'm pretty sure the last time I ate food was yesterday when I ate lunch with Dove. If we're counting four bites of a sandwich 'food.' Then again, there was also that cup of water I had at Evan's place. And the sips of water when I brushed my teeth this morning.

I exchange what's in my bag with a few books from my locker. I hear Dove before I see him, already knowing Dia's with him. A grin takes over my lips; I love my friends. It's almost sad how much I depend on them. How I feel and what I do throughout the day both vary based on Dove and Dia. A few years ago, Evelyn would have been included in that mix. Maybe even a few days ago, if I oversaw some of the crap she's put me through. But now? I'm perfectly content with the two I have by my side.

"A mosquito flew by and was buzzing about how it 'can't believe Kara's here on time!' I had to come see for myself because it couldn't be," Dove says in his way of non-greeting.

Still having one hand encircled by her boyfriend's, Dia leans forward and gives me a one-armed embrace. We exchange our usual cheek kisses with the gracefulness of two ladies at an English Ball. "Good morning, sweetie," she says with a tone that makes me think she's pleased to see me more than necessary.

I take note to talk to her later, then switch to Dove for our usual handshake. It's a bit stiff because we're forced to use our non-dominant hands. I didn't bother suggesting Dove release Dia's hand even if it's for a mere seven seconds.

I nod to him once we're done. "Was there really a talking mosquito?"

"Close enough. Your freshmen fan-club was squealing over your whereabouts. They were really excited to see you before the morning bell rang," Dove shrugs, as if the idea of anyone being remotely attracted to me was beyond him.

"You look disgusting. Since it appears no one has told you yet," Dia says with an intensity that would have confused anybody walking past us. I smile, knowing the words mean the complete opposite. I had thrown on a dress this morning, not feeling for the hassle of picking more than one piece of clothing out. It's a black and simple rib-knit dress with a high collar, paired with a silver necklace and white high tops. My hair is in a purposely messy bun at the nape of my neck, while a few curls spill loose to frame my face. I don't look remotely close to bad. I eye Dia's clothes and a toothy smile finds me.

All Under the PlaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora