chapter 5

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Evan recovers in a heartbeat once his words are out, picking up his pace in my direction. Leianna turns into the entryway at the exact moment and meets his gaze head on. A glitch occurs where Evan's body pauses mid-step. I pucker my lips in anticipation and slide a momentary glance to Cheri. Her face is a mix of confusion and concern.

"Hi, Evan," my twin says in a breathy voice. Her nervousness is tangible, even without seeing her face. Her shoulders are scrunched slightly and her head is tilted at an adorable angle.

"Karylah?" It's Evan that asks, and I flinch at the sound of my real name. An English accent doesn't flatter it at all.

"Kara." I correct. "And that's me."

"What do you mean 'that's me'?" Evan's face scrunches in thinly veiled frustration. "You said you were Leianna earlier. And why are you in my house?" He turns to his mom. "Why would you let them in our house?"

His attitude makes me bristle. "That's your mother you're speaking to."

He swivels back to me. "You going to tell me how I should speak to her in my own house? God knows what the hell you said to convince her to let you in," he scoffs then lowers his voice. "Crazy bitch."

"Evan," Cheri scolds. The warning in her voice isn't missed by me, but Evan continues unbothered.

"No, please. Say it again, Evan." I plaster a wide smile on my face.

He shrugs. "You are a crazy bitch. Pretending to be your sister, manipulating my mom, forcing your way into my house. Wanna add anything to the list, Karylah?"

I laugh lowly. "Seems you've got me all figured out. Leianna, feel free to take over any second now."

She shoots me an annoyed look over her shoulder in response. I damn near sputter in incredulity. She can't possibly believe I'm the problem when it's Evan here who pounced on any conclusion that victimizes himself.

Leianna then gives her full attention to Evan. "I apologize for her. Do you think we can step outside for a second? I can explain myself and clear this all up," she says softly. Like she's trying to calm a rabid wolf. I blow out a tired breath in response.

"Once she says sorry."

My neck nearly snaps. Evan's eyes are solely on me. Cheri steps closer to diffuse the situation when Evan's heated glare lands on her. "Mom, go upstairs."

"Sweetie, leave these gir—"


Cheri obeys. Her hand gently grazes on my arm as she passes, her head bowed. I stare wide-eyed at the interaction. "You're demented," I baffle.

"Not quite the words I had in mind."

"I don't give a fuck what you had in mind. I'll be in the car," I tell Lei. "Hurry up." I walk in the direction Evan entered from. He grabs my wrist once I'm near enough.

I draw a breath. "Leianna, get a hold of your boy before something happens to him."

"Karylah, just apologize," her voice comes out exasperated.

"I'd rather bite raw garlic." Evan's grip tightens around my wrist. It's a predictable power move and it causes me to smile. "Or you can bite me," I pat his chest with my free hand. "Whatever gets you off, Evan." It takes some strength, but I snatch my hand back. I try my best to not stumble back from the force.

I grab Leianna's hand from where she's standing and pull her to Evan. "Get your closure so we can leave." She's standing in front of me now, and whatever emotion sitting on her face makes Evan ease his shoulders and, reluctantly, gestures toward the door for Leianna to lead.

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