Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I scoured the entire town for a re-used laptop. I know I stated I'd take a failing mark, but there was a part of me that drove me to excellence. Gwen and I looked down at the absurd expense of a brand new laptop. She, too, did not have one, and I suppose engaging her in the quest to get a laptop was not that horrible.

"Maybe we could get tablets."

Although I haven't used a tablet before, I've heard some negative things about it. Notwithstanding the reviews, I was intrigued to get one as I looked at the pricing, which was evidently fair.

"It may work till we buy a laptop. But I'm not convinced it would have the same functionality as a laptop." As I looked at the top tablet brands, I discovered how pricey they were. "I am seeking to buy a laptop, but I don't even have a phone." I muttered. I didn't get to ask for my father, and I don't believe I will. I was stuck at a crossroads. I wanted so many things that the money I received from sleeping with my professor seemed insignificant, and I was tempted to do it with her or someone else. How did I find myself in this situation?

"I have a little phone; the battery life is minimal to none." We were comparing how bad our lives were. I sometimes wondered if I'd make it. Was I going to graduate? Was I going to be able to keep my scholarship?

"Having a sugar daddy might be quite beneficial. I was examining the cost, and that would only be an acceptable budget, and we have no means of meeting it." She said. "The scholarship I receive does not depend on anything." She proceeded. "I want to give up." She huffed, brushing her black hair away from her face.

"Tell me about it."

I went to the library in quest of some quick money-making opportunities, and they either required having a laptop or patience and time. I want money right now. My project was just seven days away, and something told me that those days would go rather quickly.

"There is only one answer, and it is to sleep with someone wealthy." She grumbled, and that's when an idea struck me.

I grabbed her wrist, and she jumped in surprise. "I have an idea," I stated, glancing at her. "You're a freaking genius." I explained as I walked her out of the electronics store.

"Throw it on me."

"I believe we are overcompensating." I remarked.

"We should have fun." Now I understand what Kian meant. We need equilibrium. "We can't simply sit here studying and being needy. We have to go outside. Let the spotlight bathe us in its splendor."

"I have two rich friends." I said. I haven't talked to them in a while, but I think it's time I did. I didn't want to include Pavani because it had been a few days since we last saw her at the diner. I didn't even see her class.

"I will seriously contact them. Inquire if they have any events to attend and hope we can squeeze in. We'll meet wealthy men who admire college girls like us."

Gwen looked at the idea, and I could see it all going through her mind. She began to gently nod, a grin spreading over her face as she finally understood my point of view.

"We hit clubs. Not a college party. Those are too weird." I said.

"It would be good if we could join dating sites online."

"We can't. We have no smartphones and school PCs are not the greatest idea."

We started taking a short stroll home. My thoughts turned to Kian. I was starting to question if I liked her or if it was simply for the excitement of sleeping with her while knowing it was wrong, plus receiving some incentive along the way.

The crazy life I claimed I wouldn't live was slowly sneaking up on me, and through it all, I could hear my father's voice. I was just like my mother, prepared to have anyone use me in exchange for money. This was college. This was survival. This was my future, and I needed to do all I could.


Devils wear red. This time, the devil parked on the side of the road in a noticeable black car. Gwen didn't recognize Professor Kian, but I did. It was difficult not to notice her car, which she appeared to outgrow.

"I suppose I'm going to take some fresh hair." I said, standing back and letting Gwen lead the way up to the porch. She turned and gave me a troubled look. "I don't want to face them yet."

"We're going to have to face them one way or another." That was my excuse. I'm not sure why, but when I saw her car, I felt ecstatic inside. Perhaps it was because I was thinking of her. What she done to my body, and how much money she can throw at me. I was present for it all.

"I'm going to blowtorch their hair someday." I laughed.

"I'm with you." My life was awful living with three other girls, so I removed Gwen; I was gradually getting to know her, and she wasn't too bad. I discovered we were even compatible because we had thought about similar things. "I see you in there."

I nodded. I waited for her to go inside, before I headed for the car, the passenger side was already opened and slide in and hurriedly closed the door. I recall being angry at her for nothing. I couldn't stop staring at her extremely gorgeous face. Kian didn't smile or laugh often, so she had this harsh, stone face. Both of her hands lay on the stirring wheel.

"You appeared to want to tell me something today."

I continued to gaze. She appears odd, but it didn't take long for me to understand she was wearing a tight suit, which highlighted her defined structure, rather than a sweat suit. I wonder where she went. The lovely fragrance of her scent made me envious, as if she had gone on a date. She was definitely having a crazy sex life. She was fiery in the bedroom, which I enjoyed.

"I forgot about it." Are you here because of that? I flushed.

"Yeah. So you better tell me, so I know I was worth the drive."

"It was nothing."

She hit the start button, and I began to worry.

"What're you doing?" By the time I asked, the car was already speeding down the road.

"We're heading somewhere where you could feel comfortable talking." She said.

"But I've already told you that it was nothing."

"You will tell me," she responded.

"Why would you care?"

"It does not matter...." She spoke while glancing out the window. "I see in your eyes that you desire something. Is it money?"

"I—" My words become stuck in my tongue. I assumed it would cost money to purchase the laptop. She grinned.

"You can stop the automobile now." I said, grabbing for the seatbelt, knowing she wasn't going to stop.

"All you needed to do was ask."

"I didn't really need the money; I simply..." My father's remarks came up again. His remarks were like ghosts hanging around. They are a constant source of anxiety for me.

"Where are you bringing me?"

"To a spot."

I want to say Hi to those that are in Canada and America? how's the weather?

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