.Chapter Thirteen.

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monochrome gray

The last of my dresses had already been packed into the suitcase that I had arrived with and now I was just gathering up the remainder of my things to bring with me. 

My time visiting the Middleton's had come to an end as I was headed back to my parents house in London. I'd made Elinor promise to write to me and I promised to visit whenever I could. 

I sighed, finally putting the last of my embroidery things into my suitcase and closed it. It was so melancholy to be leaving, I loved it here so much. Feeling the tears prick my eyes I hastily wiped them away.

There was no point in feeling sad about it, I could always come visit again. Bennett whined at my feet, his tail lazily hitting the floor as he sat, staring up at me.

"Of course you're coming with me," I knelt down and gave his head a good scratch, placing a kiss on his wet nose. "You know I'd never leave you behind, silly Bennett!" 

"Isabelle! Hurry! The carriage is all ready!" Auntie Bridgett's voice sounded from downstairs where she was waiting. The rain had been non-stop for the last week, the final goodbye to the warm summer etched in the muddiness of the grass.

I groaned before hefting my suitcase into my arms, gesturing at Bennett to follow me as I made my way to the door where my Aunt, John and Mrs. Jennings stood.

One of the footmen took my case from me the moment I reached the bottom of the stairs and Auntie was immediately fussing over me. Her fidgety hands made sure my cloak was fastened and my bonnet was tied securely around my face to keep the rain from getting me wet. 

"Please do come visit anytime, dearie!" Mrs. Jennings piped up, probably seeing my saddened expression. I smiled at her and nodded, my heart feeling heavy. John echoed her statement.

And just like that we were in the carriage and halfway down the road that ran through Barton Park, bumping on the rough terrain. 

I sighed, my head resting on the side of the carriage so I could watch the heavy raindrops race down the glass. I hadn't been able to say goodbye to Brandon, he hadn't visited in the last while I had been there and I fought back the tears again. 

I kept telling myself that I would see him again, after all he visited London often and I would make plans to visit the Dashwood's sometime soon... And yet that dread kept creeping in. What if it was just proximity that made it seem like he was interested in me? What if we never saw each other again? 

This time I couldn't help the silent tears that slipped out, it felt like my chest was being shredded apart and my stomach felt so heavy. I pulled the sleeping Bennett a little closer and closed my eyes, making a feeble attempt to sleep through the entire ride back into London. 


London was just as rainy as the ride had been, except it seemed so much grayer now. I couldn't help but feel like my friend's absence was why. When I visited with Elinor the city seemed so colorful and bright but now it stretched on in a monochromatic palate of grays and browns. 

It felt odd to call my parents in this world my family, I had never really met them, even if they had supposedly raised me. Well, my governess had raised me, if the usual Regency traditions were being followed.

 My family here was apparently very, very rich and followed the rules of society to the letter. Which made me wonder how on earth they were related to John Middleton.

Their townhouse sat in the very fashionable district of London, nestled among ten others that looked exactly the same. They were all made of the same dull stone and had the same trimmings on the same windows. 

It all looked so dreary and I missed the lush green of the country more than anything. 

I definitely wasn't a city girl, I decided as Auntie and I got out of the carriage, Bennett close behind me as he always was. We made our way up the few steps that led to the door and it opened for us by the butler who waited behind it. 

Sighing, I borderline trudged through the hallway, following the footman who made his way up the stairs with my suitcase to what i assumed was my room.

As soon as I crossed the threshold I could tell it definitely was my own. The room was decorated with my favorite color, a soft cornflower blue. I sunk into the fluffy blankets on top of the bed face first, barely flinging my slippers off my feet. 

I felt Bennett hop up on the bed next to me before I fell into a fitful sleep. 


Authors Note/s:

another shorter chapter! but my cat has decided it is cuddle time and i have to follow his orders at all costs!  i promise the next chapter will be more exciting haha

enjoy! love you all!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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