.Chapter Seven.

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"John and Fanny are in town," Elinor broke the silence of the parlor, "I think we shall be forced to see them..." She sighed, setting down the letter she had been reading and sipping her tea.

I giggled quietly, my eyes moving from the book I was reading to watch Marianne pace back and forth across the room from my spot on the velvet sofa. "Thank goodness i don't have any relatives in town," I teased, Elinor only shook her head in exasperation. 

There was a knock from somewhere in the house and Marianne jumped, barely containing herself from sprinting towards the door. 

"I think it was for next door, Marianne," I turned the page on my book, scanning the page as i heard the other girl sigh. Willoughby was supposed to be here to take her on a tour of the city at any moment, and obviously Marianne couldn't contain her excitement. 

Another knock sounded, this one most definitely from the townhouse door and this one sent Marianne almost wild. I laughed, watching her fling the door open. 

I recognized the voice sounding from downstairs almost instantly and I started hastily fixing my hair in the mirror next to the fireplace. Marianne was near panicking, her pacing picking up speed now. 

"Oh! Excuse me, Colonel-" I heard her say as she rushed out the door, right as another knock sounded. 

I froze, i had returned to my spot on the sofa, the book i was reading now placed tenderly on my lap,

"Colonel Brandon! What a pleasure to see you!" Elinor piqued up, clearly embarrassed by her sisters rudeness. I felt my heart hammer against my chest, he hadn't seen me yet as i was tucked into the corner out of his view, but i could see him if i leaned slightly to the right. He looked distressed, his felt hat in his hands as always. 

"Have you been in London all this while?" Elinor asked, her eyes shooting towards me as if to hint that i was there to the man. 

Unfortunately for me, he didn't seem catch the direction of Elinor's gaze and his eyes stayed firmly set on her. I stayed still, my heart threatening to jump out of my chest.  

The Colonel paused for a moment before he spoke in that wonderful, smooth voice. "I have been, how is your dear mother?" He asked. I attempted to keep my gaze on the pages in front of me, but they kept drifting to the man in the room.

"Very well. She's very well, thank you," Elinor answered before the room lapsed into a slightly awkward silence. 

I internally groaned. This was the part where the Colonel was going to ask about Marianne and Willoughby... 

"Colonel, is there anything i can do for you?" Elinor spoke after a moment, her hands clasped delicately in front of her, her eyes found mine again before i lodged my gaze at the pages on my lap. I wasn't going to give up my position for perfect eavesdropping.

"Yes, i believe there is." The Colonel paused for a second, his fingers still fidgeting with the brim of his grey hat. He took a slow breath, seeming to gather some composure. "I wanted to inquire as to whether or not your friend Miss Underwood has accompanied you here..." He paused again, "To London, that is," 

I almost squeaked, my face turning bright pink as I watched Elinor's eyes widen in slight shock. It was all i could do to not reveal myself, he was asking about me! Not Marianne!

A sly smile crept onto Elinor's face and for a moment i feared she would point me out to him, instead she answered smoothly. "Yes, she's in London. As for her current whereabouts, i can't say," She snuck another glance at me, laughter clearly sparkling in her eyes. 

"Ah, that's good to hear," Brandon paused again, which he seemed to be doing quite a lot in this conversation, before speaking again. I had to stifle a giggle, he looked more flustered than I had ever seen him. 

"I would also like to ask... Miss Underwood, is she-" 

The Colonel didn't have the chance to finish his statement as Mrs. Jennings had practically burst in the door. 

"Shit," I whispered, my swearing covered by the noise the woman had immediately started. 

"Oh! Colonel! I had no idea you were here! No doubt inquiring about our Marianne?" Mrs. Jennings hardly noticed the faint grimace that had briefly inched onto Brandon's features. "I dare say she just left! You absolutely must stay and wait for her though! She'll be ba-"

The Colonel quickly cut the woman off. "Thank you Mrs. Jennings, but i have prior plans in town," He offered her a small smile and Mrs. Jenning's waved a hand at him. 

"I best get going. Thank you for answering my question, Miss Dashwood," Brandon said, a small smile tugging on the corners of his lips. He offered both the women a small bow before making a hasty exit, Mrs. Jennings not far behind him, talking

I finally let out the breathe i felt i had been holding and Elinor immediately was by my side. 

"Izzy! He's asking for you!" She practically cheered and i laughed, my hands flying to my face. 

"I know! I know!" I giggled, taking Elinor's hands into my own and bouncing slightly in my seat. I could barely contain my excitement at the thought of the man asking about me. Why did he want to know if I was in London? Why not call on me himself? What was he going to say before he got interrupted? 

As if she could hear my thoughts, Elinor pondered the same question. "I wish we'd gotten to hear what he was going to say before Mrs. Jennings came in!" 

I squealed, laughing as she shared my excitement. "I know, but he still asked for me! I wonder if he wanted to know if i'd be at the ball!"

The ball was set to be four days from now and before, i'd been rather dejected about it. Though i was excited to see what a true ball was like in the Sense and Sensibility world, i knew the Colonel wouldn't be looking for me there but now there was some hope! 

Elinor seemed just as invested in this as i was and grinned at me. She gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as she did so, "What if he asks you to dance Izzy?" 

"Well i'm going to dance with him, duh!" We laughed at the idea of me rejecting the one man i wanted to dance with. 

"Elinor! Isabelle!" We heard Mrs. Jennings call from downstairs, no doubt summoning us for dinner and we scrambled downstairs, practically tripping over each other. 


hi my lovelies! We hit over 1,000 reads on this story!!! Holy cow! that's so many!!! Thank you all for all the love and im hoping to be updating fairly regularly again soon! But in the meantime, heres a shortish lil chapter!

lots and lots of love!! 

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