.Chapter Ten.

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what a scene

Why on earth did my head hurt so bad? I groaned, the light was far too bright behind my eyelids and I could tell it was already at least mid-day. 

I slowly blinked my eyes open, squinting in the suddenly harsh light. My hand immediately flung over my face as I groaned, what had even happened? The last thing I remember was the dance... oh god the dance. 

A whole new groan pulled itself from my lips. Did I faint? Dammit.

"Oh good, dearie! You've woken!" Auntie Bridget was already at the bedside, her cold fingers pressed against my forehead. "We were all so worried! Miss Dashwood has been worried sick!The Colonel has been beside himself all day now!  He was kind enough to let us--"

Somehow another groan managed escape as I gently swatted her hand away, my face was hot and i could feel the red flush creep my chest. "Oh no, i must've made such a scene!" 

Auntie tutted at me, a smile coming onto her face as she shushed me. 

My eyes finally focused on my surroundings and my brows furrowed immediately. These sheets were not the ones I had at Barton Park, and the dresser across from me was certainly not the usual one that guarded my room... 

"As I was saying dearie, the Colonel was kind enough to let us stay here while you recovered! I daresay, that man has taken quite a fancy to you!" Auntie giggled and shot me a cheeky wink.

Oh god! I shot upright, my hair flying wildly about as I realized what she had just said. 

"What?!" I couldn't control how loud the question had come out and Auntie jumped a little, her brows furrowing in confusion. "This is his- The Colonel's- he lives-" I managed to stutter out before Auntie Bridget was shushing me once again.

"Now, now Isabelle! It's nothing to get so worked up about! Lay back down, your ankle needs to rest!" Her hands were on my shoulders and she gently pushed me back down into the plush, blue pillows. 

As soon as the word 'ankle' had passed her lips I felt the shooting pain go up my leg and I winced. I'd forgotten about that, hilariously I wished I could've forgotten the rest of the scene as well. I was never going to let myself forget that embarrassment. 

"Ow..." I mumbled, trying to rotate my ankle a little from under the light blankets. 

My aunt sighed, shaking her head at me trying to move. "Leave it be, I'll go get you some tea and something light to snack on, I'm sure he has something in the kitchen's worth a taste!" And with that she tottered off, leaving me back in the bright expanse of the unfamiliar room so stew on my embarrassment. 


The day was warm and sitting in the back garden of Colonel Brandon's beautiful estate I felt a bit like a very dehydrated plant. But it was lovely and bright out and it felt better to be surrounded by fresh air than cooped up in the large house. 

I hadn't seen the owner of the house since I'd been here, Aunt Bridget had said he was occupied in town and as much as my heart fluttered at the thought of seeing him again it also made me slightly sick to my stomach. 

Grimacing, I put a little weight on my injured ankle while staying comfortably in the chair the maid had set out for me. It was a nice little spot, a cobbled, covered patio off the back of the house that was nestled in a hedge of wild vine roses. They climbed the railings and intertwined the lattices on either side of me. 

The sun dappled through the vine covered ceiling and i closed my eyes, relishing the warmth and the smell of jasmine that crept it's way to me. The sound of dogs barking caught my attention and the faint chatter of talking from the inside of the house. My eyes stayed closed, still soaking in the utter peace of where I sat.

"Miss Underwood," 

I started at the familiar low voice and twisted to see my visitor. 

"Colonel," I gave him a shaky smile as I braced myself to stand and curtsy my host.

"Please, invalids don't have to stand for anyone," He was at my side in an instant, his hands on my forearms making me still. There was a faint smile on his face, as if laughing at his own comment.

I let a smile take over my face, a faint chuckle passing my lips. "I can't thank you enough Colonel, you've been so kind to let me stay-"

He laughed. It was such a beautiful sound, so calm and smooth and yet it sounded so warm. "Think nothing of it," He paused and then cleared his throat. "How... How are you feeling? On the mend?"

"A lot better, I can almost put my weight on it now," I couldn't help the smile that stayed on my face, he looked so handsome in the sun. His hair was so gold and bright without his usual felt hat. The sad cloud that seemed to cloud him when we'd first met had seemed to be scattered by the bright rays.

"I have something for you, Miss Underwood," His voice was hesitant and almost concerned as he stepped backward towards the door from where he had emerged from. I craned my neck to watch him, my heart felt like it was going to climb up my throat. "Close your eyes, please," 

I did as he asked, turning my head back forward and furrowing my brows. What on earth was going on...

The rustle of his boots on the cobblestone drew closer to me,  and i could feel the air shift as he stopped right next to my chair. He crouched down and set something ever so gently in my lap, my hands immediately found whatever it was.

It was soft, fluffy almost, and warm... It moved. 

My eyes flew open, landing on the small, spotted puppy in my lap.

"Colonel! No way!"


Authors Note/s:

hiiiiii everyone :)))) thank you so much for all the love on this story! it means the world to me!! im so sorry ive been so slow with my updates, so much has happened! First of all my laptop was incredibly dead (fixed that issue), second of all im moving across the country (im moving in with my own colonel brandon :)))! Lots of big changes but im trying my best to keep updating whenever i have time! 

Let me know what you think so far!

all the love, always <3

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