.Chapter Eleven.

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The puppy was gorgeous, his red spotted coat was shiny and soft and his big brown eyes blinked up at me sleepily. A beautiful sea blue collar hung loosely around its neck, embroidered with all sorts of tiny birds and flowers. I giggled as it climbed up my torso and licked me, my hands immediately reaching to hold the precious thing still. 

"Oh, hes beautiful Colonel..." I grinned over at the man who was still crouched next to me, one of his hands reaching over to affectionately pat the pup's head. 

"I saw how much you liked Red..." The Colonel paused, waving his hand in the air as if it finished his sentence for him. "He's one of Red's pup's and I have plenty of hunting dogs... I figured you would enjoy some company on your rides at Barton Park-"

 I could almost see a faint flush of pink spread across his face as he explained himself, the vague tone of uncertainty creeping into his voice. I couldn't help the way my heart was racing in my rib cage.

"Does he have a name?" My voice came out as more of a whisper, breaking his nervous ramble as his eyes shot to mine again. 

"No, not yet," He started fiddling with a small stick he'd picked up off the cobbles, the puppy in my lap seemed to fixate on it, desperately trying to scramble off my lap to grab it. "You should name him, after all he is yours,"

I giggled at the pup's antics, lifting him up so I could look at the little wiggly creatures face. I'd never had a dog before... back in the modern world I'd had a pet fish as a child. I had named him Fishy, which didn't really give me much faith in my naming abilities, especially not an animal this pretty...

"His name is Bennett then," I decided and the dog gave a playful wag of his tail at the name. Finally tiring of being held, he wiggled his way off my lap, immediately taking to chasing a butterfly that was passing by a little ways away.

Laughing, I looked back over to Colonel Brandon who was somehow still kneeling next to me. He'd just given me one of his prized hunting dogs... what does that even mean? Surely I was reading into this, in the story he ends up with Marianne! But still... Maybe?

My chest squeezed at the thought of his panicked eyes the night of the ball, and how he'd held me so close while we danced. How he smelled like cloves and oranges, his hands on my waist...

Our eyes locked and I felt my breath catch in my throat. I was certainly bright red again and he was smiling. A soft, happy smile that made his eyes sparkle and for a second the world seemed to fade into the background. The breeze was cool and refreshing and the smell of roses surrounded us.

Brandon nodded, his eyes staying on mine for a second before wandering over to where the pup was. "That's a good name for him," he said softly, watching the newly named Bennett roll around in the sunshine. 

He had such a pensive look on his face, that smile still faintly on his lips. I had to remind myself to look away so he didn't catch me staring at him once again, I could only allow myself so much embarrassment and i was already well past my limit.


Colonel Brandon's POV:

She looked so lovely in the sun. Her hair had streaks of red in it, peeking through just like the sun rays themselves and I couldn't help but admire her. Even if my gaze was definitely less than proper, she was entrancing.

The dog, Bennett, as Miss Underwood had named it, had seemed to have tired himself out and had wandered over to curl up on her feet. His sleepy eyes closing almost instantly as he got settled.  

Shifting so that I was sitting next to the chair Miss Underwood was occupying, I let myself enjoy the weather for a bit.

I was relieved that she was happy with the gift and for the first time since deciding to give him to her I felt calm about it. The little dog was a perfect hunter prospect and the pup of two of my best spaniels and not a dog I would part with easily to anyone else. But they already seemed so taken with each other, and it eased my guilt of leaving her in the house alone for so long.

She looked at Bennett so lovingly already, as if he was the most precious thing in the world to her... but something in the young woman's eyes seemed melancholy for a moment. I longed to be able to ask her what was occupying her thoughts, to ask her anything at all, but I stopped myself. 

It was hardly proper to interrogate her. Besides, perhaps her ankle was hurting her... Perhaps she was homesick.


Authors Note/s:

I'm so sorry for such a short chapter but more is coming! promise! i just love this scene and wanted to have its own little special moment! They're so close to realizing haha

Yes the dog is named after Pride & Prejudice. Yes i want a cocker spaniel named Bennett or Darcy... i haven't decided yet :))

That all being said, i want to thank you all so much for the love on this story. It means so much to have everyone so excited to have new chapters and i thank you endlessly <3

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