.Chapter Three.

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Isabelle's POV:

It had been two weeks since I had magically ended up in the world of Sense and Sensibility and I only felt more and more at home. Summer was starting to warm the days up and most of us wouldn't be caught dead without a fan in our hands.

Elinor sat next to me at a little table, a banquet spread out on the table. I had a poetry book open on my lap, but I wasn't really reading it all that much. Mrs. Dashwood and Auntie Bridget were seated with us but a little ways away, immersed in their own conversation. Margret was busy running around with a wooden sword in her hand, John, the Colonel and Marianne were playing some regency version of bowling.

I ignored the tightness in my chest at the sight of Colonel Brandon being so close to Marianne.

"Elinor?" I whispered to get her attention and she immediately turned to me, her attention diverting from the apron she was stitching.

"Yes Isabelle?" She whispered back, a soft smile on her face. Elinor and I had become fast friends, I liked her because she was quieter and more logical than her sisters and I assumed she liked me for similar reasons, I was a little more of a hopeless romantic than her though.

"Have you heard anything from Mr. Ferrars?" I kept my voice low to make sure no one else would hear me. She had told me about Edward a little while ago, and even though I already knew (perks of being from a different... world?), but it meant a lot to me that she had trusted me enough to tell me.

She sighed, her shoulders slouching and she opened her mouth to speak, before she stopped, both of us hearing the conversation Elinor's Mother and Mrs. Jennings were having.

"Besotted! Excellent match, for he is rich and she is handsome!" Mrs. Jennings tittered and I sighed, my eyes following her gaze to where Marianne and the Colonel. I quickly looked back down at my book, picking slightly at the corner of the page.

I already knew what she was talking about, and it still made my heart hurt to watch the events unfold.

"Colonel Brandon!" Mrs. Jennings called and I winced, looking up to Elinor.

"Oh dear god Elinor, how do you stand it?" I whispered over to the blond girl, she gave my hand a gentle squeeze and didn't answer.

I glanced over and saw Marianne and Colonel Brandon making their way up the stone stairs and onto the grass. I was trying my best to ignore the conversation that was going on around me for fear I might cry.

At some point Marianne had practically stormed off, and I finally looked up again, watching the Colonel turn slightly dejectedly and picked up a loose stick, fiddling with it as he wandered back over to John.

Elinor patted my hand and I looked back at her. "I can tell you love him, izzy, you should go speak to him," She urged and I shook my head.

"I can't do that, you see how he looks at Marianne! I have no chance," I muttered back, my voice cracking slightly at the last part. I saw Elinor shake her head from the corner of my eye and I forced a small smile.

A ball of copper fluff came barreling out of nowhere and landed right on my lap, immediately my face was getting licked rather aggressively. I squealed, taken off guard for a moment before I started laughing, my head tilting back to get my face away from the little dog.

"Why hello Red!" I laughed, the dog still reaching for my face.

"Red! Red! You scoundrel!" Colonel Brandon was in front of me in a second, desperately trying to pry the dog off of me. Elinor, who had jumped back the moment the dog had collided with me, was watching the scene in amusement.

The dog absolutely refused to get off of my lap, but that wasn't really what my mind was focusing on. My breath hitched, the Colonels face merely inches from my own as he had tried to get the dog off of me.

"Im desperately sorry, Miss Underwood, I have no idea what came over him-"

"It's perfectly alright, Brandon," I breathed, cutting him off as he continued to apologize. One of his hands was resting right next to my thigh, his other hand reaching to his dog, who was still situated soundly in my lap. His eyes were still that gorgeous honey color in the sun, and I couldn't help but notice how well his nose suited his face.

"You are very close..." I murmured, the words kind of just slipped past my lips without me thinking about them and I regretted it immediately.

He scrambled upright once again and I could swear I saw a blush creep onto his face. "Please accept my apologies Miss Underwood, I wasn't thinking," the Colonel managed, he offered a quick bow before almost shuffling away, meeting John a little ways off. Red immediately bounding off after him.

I was frozen, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest. My eyes wide, I slowly turned to Elinor who was staring at me in some mix of amusement and shock. "What just... what just happened?"

I heard the women around me start giggling as I tried to recover.


The sky was starting to grow dark and clouded, it looked like a summer rainstorm was on its way, but I was already safe and cozy inside the large house.

There was a cup of tea on the table near the sofa I was curled up on, my feet tucked under me as I read. I was reading some of Edmund Spenser's poetry as it was the only book I had been able to find that I was even mildly interested in among the hundreds of hunting books John owned.

Though even the poems were starting to lose my attention. I had reached "The Faerie Queen", which I recognized as the poem Brandon read to Marianne at the end of the movie. I groaned, tossing the book away from me in vague disgust, sipping my tea as I leaned back, letting my hair fall over the back of the sofa.

This was one of those moments where I really missed my TV.

My mind drifted back to the whole dog fiasco with the Colonel and I groaned, running my hands over my face. Why did I have to mess the moment up? I couldn't have just stayed quiet? Why do I say stupid stuff when I get nervous?! Ugh.

The sun had been completely swallowed by the dark grey clouds, and if I remembered correctly, which i know i do, Marianne was just about to sprain her ankle and be rescued by the heroic John Willoughby.

I never liked Willoughby, he seemed a bit too loud and a bit of a bully, but Marianne liked him so it really wasn't any of my business. I grimaced, thinking of how that relationship ended for her. I wish it would work out, then maybe I'd actually have a chance with Colonel Brandon.

The poor Colonel, even though I was over half-way in love with him my stomach still twisted at Marianne's blatant carelessness with his feelings, even she should be able to see how besotted he is...

I stopped myself, it wasn't Marianne's fault that she didn't feel the same way towards him. I frowned, where was that train of thought coming from? I had a queasy feeling in my stomach and had to keep my eyes from tearing up.

"Oh well, Isabelle, might as well go to sleep now," I muttered to myself, setting my teacup on the tea tray nearby so the servants would clean it up in the morning. My hand lingered on the book I had tossed before I ultimately decided to pick it up and carry it to my room, I might as well read a bit before I went to bed.

Author's Note/s

im so sorry!! completely forgot to publish a new chapter yesterday! hope you all enjoy my dears!!!
please vote and comment! it means tons to me!

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