. Chapter Four .

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rose blush

Isabelle's POV:

The day so far had brought nothing new, though it was enjoyable, the weather was hot, the sun offering no solace from its brightness. 

I was sitting in the spot I had practically claimed in the parlor. It was in the bay window that overlooked the garden, the wooden windowsill was padded with several embroidered cushions. I pulled the thread through the cotton I had in my hands. I was fixing up an apron I had ripped while tending to the roses out in the garden.

It had become a new favorite hobby, with nothing else to do besides ride the Middleton's horses, read and sew in the quiet regency country I had taken to tending to the garden. The gardener was a kind, portly old woman who initially refused my help, but after enough begging and annoyance she caved, assigning me some small, tedious tasks. I was thrilled, finally having something new to occupy my time.

I finished the final stitch, tying it off and standing from my curled up spot on the window. I tied the apron around my waist, I had a little time to go pick some of the roses before the Dashwood's arrived. 

Auntie Bridget was out on the veranda with Mrs. Jennings, they were close friends and were constantly gossiping and giggling behind their fans. I gave the pair a cheerful wave as I walked around the house to the garden but Mrs. Jenning's called my name and I stopped, turning to face her.

"Isabelle! Brandon should be here this evening," She wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively, her lips drawn into a mischievous smile. My aunt smacked her arm playfully.

I froze, did everyone know I liked him? I barely even talked to the man, always choosing to keep my head down when he was around, I didn't want to mess up his happy ending. 

"I'll make sure to say hello then," I answered, my hand shielding my eyes from the overbearing sun and gave her a serene smile. I saw my auntie wave at me as I turned back around, rather hurriedly making my way to the rose bushes far away from the gossiping pair. 

My fingers gently caressed one of the roses, careful not to destroy the white and pink flower.


I wasn't really paying attention to the time, the basket I had brought with me full of the several perfect blooms I had managed to hunt down. 

I reached for one more, my finger pricking on one of the thorns.

"Ouch!" I muttered, immediately withdrawing my hand to examine the small wound. 

"Are you alright Miss Underwood?" A silky voice sounded from behind me and caused me to jump, my quick movements knocking my basket over and spilling the fresh cut roses all over the grass. 

My hand had flown to my chest in my shock a squeak escaping my lips as I whipped around, my shoulders remaining just as tense after i realized who it was. 

"Colonel! You startled me!" I admonished, watching as he immediately crouched down next to me, his nimble fingers picking up each of the roses. 

"I apologize, Miss Underwood, I didn't mean to startle you." He murmured, avoiding my shocked gaze. How did I not notice him approach? And how was it evening already?

"Nothing to be sorry for Colonel, I just wasn't expecting you so early!" I reached for the last flower on the ground just as he did. We both froze, our hands connecting and sending electricity up my arm. 

Dearest, Darling {Colonel Brandon X OC}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora